It makes me laugh because he knows me so well. Rolling over, I wrap my arm around him, snuggling close, and drink in his warmth. At first, he tenses, but then after a minute, he relaxes into me. I didn’t know what I expected this weekend, but uncovering the feelings I’ve buried for my best friend for the last decade wasn’t on the list.

Chapter Thirteen


After the small business brunch this morning, Harper and I catch the rest of the panels, then go find something for a late lunch. As we’re devouring our cheeseburgers, she starts asking me a series of questions.

“I know this kinda thing isn’t really your scene, but have you learned anything?”

I find it cute that she’s concerned about me in the slightest. I could be at the most boring place in the world, but as long as Harper was by my side, willingly kissing me and holding my hand, it wouldn’t matter where I was. I’m having the time of my life with her, and she doesn’t even realize it.

“One of the most interesting things I learned was how to find wholesale distributors for products. I might be able to implement that once I expand the goat farm. It’s given me a lot of ideas,” I admit.

“So you’ve enjoyed the panels?”

“Yeah, it’s been great. Plus, I got to spend time with you,” I admit.

A blush hits her cheeks, which is so damn adorable that I’m tempted to lean over this table and kiss her right here and now.

“That makes me happy to hear that you haven’t been bored at least,” she says and almost continues but doesn’t.

Since we’ve arrived, a lot of unspoken words and emotions have swirled between us. Though pretending with Harper feels natural, I wish I knew what she was really thinking. We haven’t talked about it, but actions do speak louder than words, and right now, her body has been very responsive every time we’re near.

For the rest of the afternoon, we sit through different presentations on taxes and social media marketing. We keep our closeness throughout, and there isn’t a moment when we aren’t touching. When we return to Eldorado, all of this will stop, and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss it.

After the final remarks and closing speech for the conference, we’re free to leave. After Harper says goodbye to a handful of people, we decide to eat dinner at the hotel restaurant before making our way back upstairs.

“I don’t wanna spend all night in the room,” Harper tells me as we ride the elevator.

I lift my brows. “Really? What do you have in mind?”

“I wanna go dancin’ and have some fun. Take some shots. Forget about all the work I have waiting for me at home.”

A chuckle escapes me. “And to celebrate how well your master plan worked?”

She nods. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely. There’s a really awesome honky-tonk a few miles away. We should change clothes and go. Please.”

“Don’t have to beg. You had me at dancin’,” I say, interlocking my fingers with hers as we step out, then walk down the hall. As of now, it’s just become a habit, one that might be hard to break.

“Great! I just need to freshen up,” she says once I unlock the door. She immediately grabs some things from her suitcase, then heads to the bathroom. I put on my dark-washed Wranglers, suede boots, and a nice dress shirt. Then I comb my hair back and grab my cowboy hat.

Harper comes out wearing skintight jeans and a shirt that hangs low enough to make any man’s imagination wander.

“You’re goin’ out in that?” I raise my brows, scratching my cheek.

“Why? Doesn’t it look good?” she asks, glancing down as if she’s self-conscious.

“Looks too damn good,” I retort. “Not sure I want other men lookin’ at you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Unlikely.”

“Well, thank God you’re engaged this weekend,” I tell her. “Otherwise, I might have to beat some ass.”

She snorts, waving her left hand toward me. “Is that so?”

I take a few steps forward and pull her close, inhaling the sweet scent of her skin. “You are mine until we’re in the truck tomorrow mornin’ leavin’ for home.”

Harper’s breath hitches, but the corner of her lips tilts up. “Whatever you say, Cowboy.”

We’re suspended in time for a moment, and I’m tempted to taste her lips again. But it feels too intimate, too personal, so I create unwanted space between us.

“I’m gonna get us an Uber so we don’t have to worry about driving back,” she says.

“That’s a good idea. Can’t remember the last time I’ve been out without having to be up at five in the mornin’ for work. It’s gonna be fun.”

The bar isn’t far, and it takes less than ten minutes for our driver to get us there. When we arrive, Harper takes my hand, and we make our way to the back of the line.