Throwing my phone, I groan and curse my alcohol-induced stupidity that got me here. Falling on my bed face-first, I beg the floor to swallow me whole.

There’s no way I can show my face at that conference without a fiancé. And I can’t ask my best friend—the guy I’ve been dreaming about for years—to pretend to be with me. I’d like to think I have more dignity, but after last night, that’s debatable.

Knowing Ethan, he’d agree, but that’s not the problem.

It’s pretending to be in love with him when my heart knows I already am. It could complicate things between us. We’ll have to hold hands, touch, and kiss…not to mention, sharing a bed. We’ve fallen asleep while watching movies before, but this would be different.

It’d be intentional.

Chapter Seven


“Goddammit, Cream Puff. That was almost my junk,” I scold the Alpine goat as I attempt to trim her hooves. She’s a feisty one, which is why I deal with her. Every four to six weeks, this has to be done, and each time, it’s the same song and dance.

“She nail ya?” Payton asks.


“If you ever wanna have children, better wear a cup next time.” He chuckles, moving forward to steady her by bribing her with a carrot.

I snort. “Startin’ to sound like my grandma.” Arching a brow, I continue, “Do you have kids?”

Funnily enough, I don’t know anything personal about him.


“Girlfriend or wife?”



He shrugs. “I’m single.”

“Ah okay. Well, that makes two of us.”

“Really? I thought you and that Harper chick were a thing?”

“Nah, we’re just friends. We grew up together.”


I give him a stern look. “What is?”

He shrugs, handing Cream Puff another carrot. “That she’s single.”

“Never said that.”

“So she’s not?” The corner of his lips tilts with amusement.

He’s messing with me.

“You’re an asshole.”

Payton smirks.

“Who’s an asshole?” Kane emerges from the pasture covered in dirt.

“What happened to you?” I ask, fighting to trim the last hoof.

“Cupcake,” he states as if that’s enough to understand. “Speaking of which, I found her out again this mornin’.”

“You’re kiddin’ me?” I inhale with a groan. “I’ll check the cameras, and maybe we’ll finally figure it out.”

“This oughta be interesting,” Payton says, who thinks he’s some sort of goat witch.

Once Cream Puff’s hooves are finished, Payton leads her to the pasture. Before I grab the next goat, I head to my office to check the surveillance from the past twelve hours.

Nothing’s out of the ordinary until about two in the morning when a stumbling Knox enters the frame holding a beer. He’s drunk off his ass. It’s no wonder he’s hungover as hell today.

“Cupcake!” Knox stutters, causing all the goats to scream back at him. “C’mon, girl. Let’s go for our walk.” He laughs as she immediately runs toward the open gate.

“Son of a bitch,” I grit between my teeth.

As Cupcake darts around in freedom, Knox literally skips behind her like a drunken fool. I even hear him singing.

Pushing away from my desk, I stand and rush to find the bastard. Kane and Payton notice and follow as I go to the feed barn. I’m so angry and annoyed that I don’t think twice about kicking the leg of the chair Knox’s passed out in.

“Wake up,” I hiss as the chair falls.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Knox groans as he opens his eyes and realizes he’s on the ground. “I’m gonna beat your ass for that.”

“You’re fired.”

“The hell you talkin’ about?” he asks, stumbling to his feet. “I fell asleep for five minutes. Gimme a break.”

“You’ve been lettin’ Cupcake out this whole damn time!” I stare up at him since he’s a couple of inches taller.

“You can’t fire me, but nice try.” Knox grabs the chair and sets it upright.

“I can make sure you never work in my area ever again. Go back to shoveling horse shit with your dad,” I tell him, crossing my arms. “You come to work hungover too much, and you’re a liability.”

“I’m a liability?” His voice raises an octave. “How about Kane who’s getting high on his breaks with Grayson? Or Payton who drives around without a valid driver’s license?”

I snap my gaze to Payton. “You don’t have a license?”

Payton scowls at Knox. “It expired right after I left Montana. I just need to get it renewed with my Texas address.”

“That means it’s not valid,” I snap. Fuckin’ great. “You get into an accident in the work vehicles, and it’ll be a big problem.”

“Sorry, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

“Without pay,” I tell him.

“So am I still fired?” Knox challenges with a cocky smirk.

“Consider this your final warning. Next time, you’ll be gone, no exceptions.” I turn around and hear Kane cursing out Knox for ratting him out.

Goddamn, it’s like babysitting a bunch of toddlers.

After I’ve checked in with the evening milking staff, I drive to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa asked me to bring him the last quarter’s financials. Though he’s not physically active in ranching anymore, he keeps up with the profits and losses. He’s the quiet one, completely opposite from Grandma, but I’ve always been close to him. Even when I was away at college, I’d come back on my breaks to hang out with him for a bit and shoot the shit. Plus, he’s a great listener.