After we’re done eating, Hadleigh goes back to her station, and Ethan helps me package. I place the items in the box, then he adds a signed thank-you card and tapes the box before sticking the label on it.

Soon, Hadleigh finishes pouring the soaps, and we’re working like bumblebees. Every once in a while, I’ll bump into Ethan or trip over Hadleigh’s feet.

“You need a warehouse,” Ethan blurts out after I’ve run into him for the twentieth time.

“I know, I know. Unfortunately, there’s just no time to think about that when I have a ton of orders to catch up on and more coming every day.”

“Have you thought about closing the shop while you catch up on packaging?” Hadleigh genuinely asks. “Might be able to give yourself a breather.”

“I can’t. Not when Shayla is already running circles around me.” I shake my head profusely, though I wish I could, even if just for a week.

Ethan’s hand squeezes my shoulder. “But you can’t burn out either, Harp. Gotta think about yourself too and make sure you’re eating and getting plenty of sleep.”

“Yes, Dad,” I mock because he’s always reminding me to take a break. While I’m not into the hustle culture, sometimes I have to work eighteen-hour days. I’m drowning, but all I can do is keep moving forward.

After twenty more boxes are stacked against the wall, Ethan checks his watch. “I gotta get going to help with the evening milking. Want me to run these by the post office for you?”

“Are you sure? That’s completely out of your way,” I say, knowing he’d have a thirty-minute round trip.

“The correct answer is, yes, Ethan, that would be amazing. You’re my hero,” he mocks in a high-pitched tone.

I repeat his words back to him, then add, “That sounded nothing like me, by the way.”

He snickers. “Close enough. Wanna help me carry it all to the truck?”

“Sure,” I say.

“I’ll keep packaging,” Hadleigh offers.

I grab a couple of large totes and stack as many boxes as I can inside them. Some only have one or two items, while others have over twenty, so I have an assortment of sizes. Ethan picks up the overflowing tote, and I grab the other.

I follow him outside and can smell the slight hint of his cologne as I stand behind him. He turns around, and his eyes meet mine before he grabs the bag from my hand and places it in the back.

“You’re sure this isn’t too much trouble?” I don’t want him to be late for his ranch duties.

He smirks. “You gotta learn how to let people help you. I wouldn’t have offered if I minded.”

“Okay. Okay,” I concede. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

“I worry about you working too much. I mean, I know you’re building an empire and all, but still, Harp. You need to take a break once in a while.”

Before pulling away, he places a soft kiss on my forehead, and it warms my heart. It’s comforting how much he cares, and the feeling is more than mutual.

We finish loading everything, and Ethan speaks up before climbing into his truck. “After my shift, I’ll swing by and help you if you’re still at it.”

I chuckle. “Did you see that stack of orders? At this rate, I’m not going to bed until next week.”

“Perfect. I’ll text you on my way over. Probably bring you dinner too.”

“Two meals in a day? You’re gonna spoil me, Ethan Bishop.”

“Too late for that.” He winks before waving goodbye.

Hadleigh’s wearing a huge grin on her face when I walk back inside.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” she sing-songs, handing me a full glass of wine. “Thought we could use a drink to get through the rest of the afternoon.”

“Uh-huh, sure!” I playfully roll my eyes, graciously grabbing it and taking a large sip.

“Well, I was just thinking how cute the two of you would be together, especially with the way he adores you.”

I avoid her gaze as I readjust my ponytail, already knowing what’s coming next. It’s a talk we’ve had a few times before, and at this point, I’m used to all the Bishops making jokes about Ethan and me.

“You know I’m right. I bet he’s packing too.” She waggles her brows, and I nearly choke on my tongue.

I sigh, not denying I’ve had the same thought. “We’re just so busy with work, and if we tried being together, it could ruin our friendship…” The thought lingers in my mind, and I hate thinking about him not being in my life. “My heart couldn’t handle it if things didn’t work out. It’d be more than just a breakup. I’d be losing a best friend at the same time.”

“Hmm. The denial is real thick today.”

I furrow my brows, knowing she has no room to talk. “What about you and Kane? Or wait, is it Knox? Can’t tell which twin you’re after,” I say mockingly.