Sneaky bastard.

Sneaky gorgeous bastard, I thought, admiring the way his hair curled over his forehead and the way his long legs were encased in rugged looking jeans. A roughed up leather jacket covered his broad shoulders with a black tee barely visible underneath. It was a far cry from his fancy clothes the other night. I realized I liked him better this way.

He looked as dangerous as he was.

"What are you doing here then? Trying to scare people to death?"

"Waiting for you."

I stopped short, having no idea what to say to that. I had suspected as much. But I hadn't really thought he'd come out and say it. My stomach did a flip flop as butterflies seem to dive around inside me.

I glanced around to make sure no one was watching and lit my smoke. That's what I’d come out here to do anyway, wasn't it? I walked behind the bushes, doing my best to ignore him.

He trailed behind me, but he didn’t try and grab me. He causally leaned against a tree trunk. The man was always leaning, looking utterly relaxed. And yet somehow like he could jump into action at a moment’s notice. Part of me wished he would walk across the clearing and kiss me senseless. I tossed my head, glaring at him. He grinned at me insolently, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. He was incorrigible! He was a bad boy through and through.

But dear God, did he have to look like James Dean?

It really wasn't fair. He was far too tempting. He was making puppy dog eyes at me so I sighed and held out a smoke.

"I don't smoke."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"So what do you want, then?"

His grin got even wider and he raised his eyebrows, leaving me with no doubt about what he was after.

"You're out of your mind if you think I would—"

"Would what?"

He was laughing at me now. I stomped my foot in annoyance. I wasn't going to say it. He knew I wouldn't say it. That's why he was laughing so damn hard.

"You nearly cost me my job!"

He sobered immediately.

"Would that really be so bad?"

"Yes! It would! Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths, you know."

He pushed back from the tree. Now he was the one who looked annoyed. No— he looked angry. And determined.

"I think you could do a little better than this place. Serving a bunch of rich assholes."

I raised my chin, instantly defensive.

"That's pretty funny coming from you, Mr. Rich Arsehole.”

Now he was laughing again.


“Shut up. Besides, I'm only working here until my papers come in!"

"Well, have they?"

Tears stung my eyes. Why should I care what he thought?

"No. There was a mix up and…” I trailed off, feeling embarrassed. Feeling worthless.

He grabbed my arm and stared hard into my eyes.

"I'm just teasing you, Elle. I was never good with paperwork either."

I blinked up at him as he slowly lowered his head towards mine. He was going to kiss me. Oh dear Jesus. I had to put a stop to this. As quickly as possible. But I felt strangely reluctant to do it… his lips found mine then, and all thought stopped.

His lips firm and supple. Warm. I felt goosebumps break out on my arms.

A man shouldn't have lips that soft.

I shook myself mentally and pushed against his chest.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

"I'm kissing you. DOn’t make me stop.”

The raw need in his voice made the breath catch in my throat. But I shook off the bewildering feelings he was conjuring up inside me. I glared at him instead.

“I told you to let me go!”

Are you sure?” He asked, with raised eyebrows.

“Yes, I am damned well sure!”

“Well, if you insis—"

He let me go abruptly and I fell backwards against the shrubs. And kept falling. I let out a surprised sound as I fell.


He caught me just before I hit the ground. Unfortunately the momentum was too much and we both tumbled into the bushes. He landed on top of me, his big warm body pressing into mine intimately.

Very intimately.

Oh dear Jesus.

Jake Delancey was hard.

Jake Delancey was hard down there.

He grinned down at me unrepentantly, not the least bit concerned about his massive erection. And it was massive. Abnormally so.

I couldn’t do anything but stare up at him, in utter shock.

Shock… with a touch of curiosity. A warm feeling spread through me. This was what sex was all about. Getting close to a gorgeous man like him.

Hell and damnation. It was more than a touch. I was curious as hell. More than I should be, certainly. I was a business woman. I needed to focus on my career. Not be rolling around in the bushes with some rich bad boy who was used to getting whatever he wanted!