So, yeah, I was pretty sure the staff made fun of us and spat in our drinks. Not that I blamed them. They were young and hard working, not born to money like all these pompous fucks.

Lord knows we deserved it.

I stumbled a bit on the downward slope of the hallway leading into the bowels of the kitchen. I wrinkled my nose at the smell as I passed an open doorway. It must be where they rolled out the trash. Not so glamorous back here after all.

Not that that distracted me. Nothing could dissuade me from finding my target. I was a heat seeking missile and she was a big juicy X marks the spot. I peeked into several storage rooms but didn't see her so I kept going. At last I pushed open a doorway and was confronted with fresh air and the smell of —


I was about to turn around when I saw her.

There she was, about ten feet away. She was palming a smoke in the back alleyway behind the club. I smiled as I spotted my prey. There she was, all gorgeous and ripe for the plucking, like a juicy peace hanging from a tree.

"Here kitty kitty kitty kitty."

She lifted her face. She looked annoyed at the interruption. More than annoyed. Pissed. But Goddamn if she didn't look stunningly beautiful all the same.

Hell, maybe being angry made her even prettier.

"I'm not a damn cat."

I grinned at her, leaning against the wall. Nothing could make me upset at the moment. I was staring at the most beautiful girl in the world. Life was good.

"I know that."

She rolled her eyes at me, taking a drag of her smoke.

"What do you want then?"

I grinned at her happily. Just being out here talking to her was more excitement than I’d had in years. Hell, maybe even my whole damned life. I’d never felt so alive.

Up close she was even prettier than I’d thought.

Too pretty almost. And full of piss and vinegar apparently.

I cracked a smile and she looked alarmed. Not scared, thank God. Just… a little nervous.

This was going to be fun.

Chapter Four


With eyes like that, the boy could seduce a Saint.

But you’re no Saint, honey.

I felt shell shocked. All night this rich pretty boy had been eyeballing me, not even being subtle about it. I’d ignored him of course, trying to squelch the butterflies that flew around my stomach every time I’d walked through the main dining room.

Now I was face to face with the bluest pair of eyes I had ever seen. The same eyes that had been undressing me all night. The same eyes that were making me feel strangely on edge since I’d first laid eyes on him.

Those eyes were trouble. I knew that. Especially since they belonged to someone so rich, arrogant and handsome.

Too handsome.

"Tsk tsk, such a bad girl smoking on country club property. It's against the rules. Or didn't you know that?"

I gasped, dropping my smoke. I couldn't lose this job. And I didn't want to get Shirley in trouble for hiring me.

"Please— don't say anything. I could get fired."

I hated the pleading sound in my voice. I sounded like a little girl who was begging for candy. But who knew how long it would take me to find another job if I lost this one? I couldn’t risk it. And I couldn’t

The bastard's cold smile grew even wider.

"What will you do for me? If I keep quiet?"

My jaw seemed to literally drop open. He was smirking at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body. I could actually feel his eyes leaving little trails of heat all over my skin.

Of all the bloody nerve!

"Nothing. Tell them if you want. I'm not for sale,” I lifted my chin and held back the tears that threatened to spill, embarrassing me. Making me seem weak. I couldn’t do this to Shirl… I was so angry at myself for getting into this position, I could have screamed.

I tried to brush past blue eyes but he grabbed my arm, dropping his drink in the process. I got splattered with his bourbon as he held me immobile by his side with his iron grip. We stared into each other eyes for a breathless moment.

Then he stepped back and lifted his hands in the air.

"I was just kidding, darlin'. I just wanted to bum a smoke."

Angry tears sprung to my eyes. He was such a jerk! Teasing me like that. And he was teasing me, I could tell. I felt foolish, knowing I’d overreacted. And with a guest, no less.

He smiled at me beseechingly, those stunning blue eyes of his wide and innocent.

"I swear on my life that I would never rat you out. And I'm too stupid for blackmail. No matter how tempting it might be,” he said with an admiring glance at my face.