“Oh, now everything makes sense. Is this your new girlfriend, Jake?”

Elle stiffened up and gave Jackson a look that could have frozen boiling water. I remembered how hard she'd slapped me. Elle was tough as nails. I could only hope I never pissed her off when there was a real weapon around.

Still, I’d love to see her take a whack at my domineering older brother.

"Shut up, Jackson,” I muttered, unable to get the goofy smile off my face. It was just so nice to see her.

"Jacks, that's our waitress from the club remember?"

I silently thanked Daniel for his perfect memory. Daniel had a way of smoothing things over. But it was too late to stop Elle from stomping her little foot in aggravation. It was too cute for words.

"I am not his girlfriend! I was told there was a job here after your brother cost me my job at the club. I guess I was mistaken. Good day."

She lifted her cute little chin and turned to the door, yanking it open. Our Buttler was at a lost for words, clearly horrified when she beat him to the door. I ran to stop her from leaving. I tried to box her in with my arms but she wasn’t having it.

"I told you I got you a job. Here."

She gave me a stone cold glare and elbowed my chest. I stepped back and watched her walk out of the house onto the front portico.

"Go to hell, Jake Delancey,” she said over her shoulder, those gorgeous eyes of hers flashing.

Chapter Twelve


"Elle, wait!"

Jake was behind me on the front stoop of the house. Not even a stoop. It was a grand entrance with columns and urns filled with overflowing plants. I glared at him. He was not leaving me alone. I groaned in frustration, after confirming that I was now stranded far from home. The taxi that brought me out here had already left. And it was starting to rain.


Oh well, might as well have it out before I got sopping wet. That would happen soon enough. I turned to look at Jake. I refused to let him see how intimidated I was by his house, damn him.

He wasn’t just wealthy. He was uber wealthy. Jake was a one percenter.

"You really live here?" I could have smacked myself for the wonder in my voice. I was not impressed by material goods, damnit!

He leaned against one of the columns and smiled at me, a smug look on his face.

"Uh huh. Sometimes, anyway."

Sweet Mary. Jake wasn't just rich. He was rich rich.

And he was having an awful lot of fun at my expense!

I lifted my chin, doing my best to hide the tears that were threatening. The cupboard was bare at home, in more ways than one. I had missed my free meal at the club the night before, thanks to him. I was hungry and cold and he was messing with me. It wasn't nice and it wasn't fair!

"Did you bring me here to humiliate me then?"

He paled and stood up straight. He looked horrified.

"No! I promised you a job. We're always looking for good people. Isn't that right, Jackson?"

I turned. His arrogant brothers were watching the whole exchange through the open door. This kept getting better.

They looked so rich and handsome standing there in their fine clothes. It made me feel like a sad sack of potatoes in my second hand skirt and blouse. I glared at Jake again, wishing I had stronger shoes on. Work boots with steel toes, like the boys back home wore.

If I did, I could kick him.

"We are always looking for good people actually. If you are looking,” he said, extending a hand. I took it and shook it warily. “I am Jackson Delancey. This is my brother Daniel. I can see you already know Jake.”

I narrowed my eyes and took in Jake's older brother, Jackson Delaney. I had asked about the family at the club. I knew about him. Everyone knew about him. He was the shrewdest businessman in the state of Tennessee. He was known for being cold and decisive. He wouldn't offer me a job out of pity… right?

I pulled myself up straight, lifting my chin.

"I see nothing wrong with a hard days work."

I glared at Jake who was watching me with a look of pure fascination. And admiration. And full tilt desire.

The man was practically drooling.

I pointed my finger at him, poking him in the chest.

"But I don't work nights."

Jackson let out a sharp bark of laughter. Daniel was smiling too when I glanced at him. I relaxed a little.

"I like her already. Come on, Eleanor. Let's introduce you to Mrs. Garretty, our housekeeper. I apologize for our earlier… misunderstanding."

"Think nothing of it, Mr. Delancey,”

I said breezily, as if I wasn’t intimidated. As if I hadn’t been humiliated and embarrassed. I followed Jackson into the house, ignoring Jake completely. I could feel him following along behind me, hovering like a mother hen.