Page 48 of Pause (Larsen Bros)

I haven’t felt so much in . . . pretty much forever.

The lower half of my body is ignited. The rush of it spilling out over me from top to toe. When he sucks on my clit, toying with it with his tongue, I’m done for. Dead. Deceased. With a choked whimper it crashes over me, claiming me, and I’m just the remains of a woman left lying on the bed.

It takes a while for my thighs to stop shaking. In that time, Leif has taken a swig from the water bottle on my bedside table and stands considering me. “It’s been a while for you, huh?”

I nod.

“Me too.”

Without a word, I crawl further onto the mattress, taking a moment to pull myself together. To wonder what comes next.

The expression on his face is distant. Contemplative. “Once isn’t going to be enough. Is that all right with you?”

“Shouldn’t we see if we’re any good together before making any ongoing commitments?”

His smile is sneaky. Amused. “You really think we’re going to be lacking in chemistry? After that performance?”

It’s hard to talk to a man with a dick pointing toward the ceiling. Hard to keep your eyes on his face, at any rate. Dicks are distracting. Or his is. Noting the object my gaze is drawn to, he slips his thumbs beneath the waistband of his sleeping pants and drops them to the ground. Yes. That’s definitely an engorged penis. My guess was right. And he’s thick and long and all things good and right and then some. His penis is a thing of beauty.

Thank you, Baby Jesus.

“You got condoms in here?” he asks.

“Bedside drawer.”

He retrieves the unopened box and sorts out the prophylactic requirements in no time. I can’t help watch him, spellbound by his every movement. By his naked body. By his big hands moving in sure and swift movements. Then he crawls onto the bed toward me, situating himself between my legs.

“My fine lady,” he says in a low voice. “I am doth here to prove myself. And my fine appendage.”

“I don’t think that’s how you use that word.”




And he covers me with the heat of his body, his weight taken by one elbow situated beside my head. My world is suddenly small and intimate and smells damn good. I don’t know what to do with my hands. With any of me, actually. This is all so good, but strange at the same time.

“Why are you nervous?” he asks, kissing along my jawline.

“I don’t know.”


“No,” I lie.

It hasn’t been a year for good things. I’ve gotten scarily used to disappointment. While the odds of this here between us not working out are minimal, I don’t want to get my hopes up just the same. Just in case. But it’s hard to keep your expectations under control when there’s a smokin’ hot man in your bed. When he’s decided to make you his sole focus. Then there’s the worries in the back of my head. Stupid things like, where does this leave us now that we’ve exposed our genitals to each other? Stuff like that.

One of his hands trails down my torso, pausing to plump my breast, and there’s no room left for thinking. Next his mouth is there, his lips sucking. It’s fucking exquisite. And the heat in his eyes. The darkness of his gaze. It’s all so honest and hungry and perfect.

“It’s okay, Anna,” he says, moving his mouth back to my lips. “It’s just us.”


“Just you and me.”

He positions the hard, wide head of his cock at my entrance and starts pushing in. Oh so slowly. Next he grips my thigh, encouraging me to wrap him up in my legs. That I can do. My body tenses slightly, taking a moment to adapt to his presence inside of me. It really has been a while. But it feels so good, him stretching me, taking me. So solid and substantial. His hips work against me and he sinks deeper and deeper. I know I’ve got all of him when he squeezes his eyelids shut, resting his forehead against mine.

“Give me a minute,” he says.

His hair forms a curtain around us and I can handle this better. Knowing that I’m affecting him too. That it’s been a while for him too. I stroke his arms and his shoulders. There’s a light sheen of sweat on his skin already. His neck is so thick. Never knew I was into thick necks before, but here we are. Because every inch of this man works for me. My thighs tighten on his hips and I guess my insides tighten on him well because he hisses and presses a hard, swift kiss to my mouth.

“Shit. Baby. You feel amazing,” he says, just making conversation. “I knew you would.”

“You thought about that?”

“All the fucking time.” He opens his eyes, staring down at me with a smile. “You comfortable? All good?”