Mako is behind the bar and looks at us with waiting eyes as if he’s getting the drinks.

“Two shots of Fireball,” I tell him, and he turns around to grab the bottle. Maybelline’s head snaps to the side, eyeing me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Let your hair down, remember?”

She opens her mouth to protest but shuts it. I can see her thinking, overthinking, in fact.

Mako gives us our shots and gives me a curt nod before walking off.

Maybelline takes both the shot glasses and downs one and then the other.

“W-hat did you just do?” I laugh.

She shrugs.

“I mean if you’re cleaning up the puke I’d hate to pass up this opportunity for you to clean mine up.” She bats her eyelashes, being a little shit. I love this part, our banter. “I want you to have the full prospect experience, you know?” She tilts her head to the side and I laugh.

“How thoughtful of you.”

She shrugs, setting the empty tumblers down.

“That’s the kinda girl I am, thoughtful.”

“So there’s no chance I’ll get you drunk enough to sleep with me? We’re just skipping right to puking?”

The cutest laugh comes from her, and her hand rests on my chest as she catches her breath before looking up at me.

“Not a chance.”

I shrug. “Worth a shot, I suppose.”

She shakes her head.

A tap on my shoulder has me turning, finding Bear. He leans into me.

“You have a situation outside.” His eyes dart to Maybelline then back to mine.

I sense it has something to do with her, but I have no clue as to what.

Looking back at her, I give her a hard look and say, “I’ll be right back.”

Following Bear outside, I find Dime pointing at some guy and shouting. She’s definitely drunk, her words slurred. Jesus.

Coming up to her, I stand next to her, grabbing on to her waist before she falls to the ground. She gasps and turns in my hold before realizing it’s just me.

“What’s going on?”

“This motherfucker grabbed my ass!” she slurs, then points at a man I’ve never seen before.

“Hey man, I was just messing around.” He holds his hands up, looking at Dime like she’s overreacting.

He reminds me of guys at the strip club that think they can grab on women like they’re objects. It pisses me off.

I hand off drunk Dime to Bear and get in the guy’s face. Using my hands, I shove him in the chest hard.

“Well now you can mess with me!” I growl, and he stumbles back.

“Hey, this doesn’t concern you, man.” He points at me, his tone a warning that I better walk away, it just attracts me more.

This is my turn, motherfucker.

“This is my club, my stomping ground and you fucking with my people is my concern!” I seethe.

“Dude, you don’t want to start beef over some slut.”

As soon as the word “slut” leaves his mouth, I swing and punch him in the face. Drunk and not feeling any pain, he’s swinging back in seconds and before I know it I’m fighting him and one of his friends.

Jabbing him in the stomach, he falls to the ground. I look for his friend, finding Bear and North already on the asshole beating his face in. This takes me aback seeing them have my back. Hell, North doesn’t even know what’s going on and he’s here defending me. Caught up in my own thoughts, the fucker hits me in the face reminding me of what’s going on. Rage fills my chest, pain from somewhere deep inside of me causing me to growl as I hammer my fist down into the man’s face, knocking him out.

North and Bear stand above the other guy who is spitting blood, but he isn’t getting up to continue the fight. Ruin comes rushing to us, looking the scene over and figuring out real fast that two men started shit with us.

“Get them the fuck out of here!” he orders, and North grabs the guy on the ground and leans down to get the man I just knocked out.

Heading up the hill, we both walk to the end of the driveway and drop their asses to the ground like we just took the trash out, and head back to the party. Just then I feel the pain in my knuckles from hitting that shitbag. I was so consumed with what I was feeling inside I’m just now feeling the physical pain.

“Did you see me come in there like a fucking ninja with that high kick?” North asks with a bloody smile.

Shaking my head, I chuckle. “No, I was too busy knocking that guy’s teeth out.”

“Yeah, he’ll have a nice shiner tomorrow.”

Making our way back to the crowd, I find Dime and Maybelline standing by each other, neither of them looking well.

Placing my hand on Maybelline’s shoulder, I lean into her.