“‘Sup?” My voice has his eyes shift to mine.

“I got a pick-up at Centerfolds, it’d be good for you to know how to do it so I don’t have to always do it.”

Straddling my bike, I don’t argue, besides, this shit is easy compared to some of the stories the other guys have told me they had to do to get their patch. North takes off on his bike, and I follow him, catching a glimpse of the coffee shop across the street as we make our way down the road. The warmth wraps its hands around me and releases the tension that’s been building. My entire body becomes relaxed as we ride. I’ve always heard guys go on about how riding a motorcycle brought about a peace of mind that nothing else could compare to. I thought it was just a bunch of bullshit excuses they told themselves to justify buying a motorcycle. Then I rode one and I instantly discovered what they had been talking about. You just have to ride one and experience the power it has.

Pulling into Centerfolds, North parks right up front, so I do the same. It’s daylight, so only a few cars are in the parking lot.

“So, I come here at the end of the weekend to pick up the cash and take it to the club for Sly to go through.”

Scratching my head, I wonder what he means.

“Like payroll and shit?”

He looks up at me and rubs the back of his head.

“It’s just a front really, but we make good money here to adding it to what we bring in elsewhere is easy money under the table, ya know?” he explains a little more as he heads to the front doors.

He’s telling me they use this place to write off money they get in illegally, but he didn’t really come right out and say it. I wonder what other operations they do to bring in such a large amount of cash that they need this place and the porn business to hide illegal income.

Going inside, the smell of perfume lingers, the laughter and chattering from a few girls practicing on stage catching my attention immediately.

One girl grabs the pole, wrapping her thighs around and her legs sticking out straight. She giggles as she tries to hold her torso straight out and then falls to the ground.

“I can’t do it, I don’t have the stomach muscles!” she tells a woman standing on the floor.

“You can, you just gotta keep doing it to build the strength.”

Aspen comes out of the door leading to the back she glances at the girls and then lights up when she sees North.

She’s in a sleek white dress with strappy heels, her blond hair curly and sexy as fuck. I don’t know how North can put up with men staring at her because trust me, they stare.

Aspen leans in and kisses North right on the mouth, both her hands on his shoulders.

“Hey baby,” he whispers.

Feeling the moment going intimate, I look back at the girls on stage who are trying to hold the girl on the pole up. I can’t help but silently laugh, a smile pulling at my cheeks.

“Mmm, I see our boy likes my girls?” Aspen’s voice nearly a purr.

My eyes flick her way, North has his arm wrapped around her waist as she stares at me with excitement.

I don’t respond because obviously I find them attractive.

“Come, I’ll introduce you.” She pushes away from North and walks toward the stage.

North gives me a look conveying I better entertain his ol’ lady or he’ll have my ass so I follow them.

“Girls!” Aspen holds her hand up and snaps her fingers and they all stop laughing and freeze, looking down at her.

“This is Crow, he’s new to the Kings MC and a VIP to Centerfolds, please make sure he’s comfortable when he’s here.” She slowly looks over her shoulder at me with passionate eyes, pleased with herself that she’s made me meat in a lioness’ den.

“I’m Flame!” The girl that was on the pole walks over to me, bends down, and holds her hand out.

With a smirk on my face, I reciprocate the gesture and shake her hand. Her pink nails reminding me of bubblegum, my gaze skips up her cute tattooed arm to her green eyes and red ringlet hair.

“Nice to meet you, Flame.”

Standing up straight she points to a woman sitting on the floor. She has on some black leotard with fishnet stockings, her hair jet black. “That’s Roxxi and standing next to her is Blue.”

Her hair is blond with blue tips, her tits nearly spilling out of a workout tank showing off her tight stomach and belly button ring. The black spandex shorts she’s wearing are cheeky and give a glimpse to the round globes that make up each ass cheek.