Climbing into my truck, both my hands on the steering wheel, I stare ahead, replaying the whole conversation over in my head.

He’s fucking cocky as hell, but he knows why I’m here and that’s a step in the right direction. Even though he didn’t say anything else after knowing my interest in the club.

Leaning back in my seat, I let out a breath.

Courting women is easier than trying to get into this fucking MC.

I guess that’s why they say… once you’re in, you’re married to the club.

I head back to my trailer, it’s a single wide just big enough for myself and the rent is cheap. Climbing out of my truck, I hear a dog barking a couple places down, the rattle of a fence echoing down the road as it jumps on it in excitement.

Jogging up my steps onto my old wooden porch, I unlock the door and step inside where it’s cooler. The Georgia heat is different than Kansas City’s. Tossing my keys onto my coffee table, I pass the gray couch I scrubbed clean when I moved in and head down the narrow hall to the bathroom on the right. Flicking the lights on, three bulbs above the sink barely light up the space. Grabbing my toothbrush, I rest one hand on the counter, leaning over the sink and brush my teeth. Staring back at my reflection as I scrub the beer from my teeth. My dark eyes looking me back in the mirror I can almost see my dark past staring back at me. I have to blink, rinsing my toothbrush and get away from the mirror before dredging on it too much.

My past is what made me who I am today… I just can’t decide if what I am is who I want to be.

Entering my room at the end of the trailer, I flip my light on, the ceiling fan instantly moving the thick air around. Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I pull it over my head and toss it on the dresser. Kicking off my boots and jeans, I climb onto my bed and shove some pillows under my head before turning the TV on. Top Gun is on, I haven’t seen it in ages. Setting the remote down, I settle in and call it a fucking night.

The next night I’m in the same spot at Centerfolds, beer in my hand watching one of the girls dance on the stage to “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard. I swear every erotic dancer I’ve ever known has this song on their playlist. She’s a pretty little thing with blonde hair and big tits. Her hips are curvy to match her plump ass but I can see from here she’s wearing tons of makeup. I don’t know, when I see a woman, it seems to be the first thing I notice, the lipstick and rouge covering up her natural features. She seems like a lot to handle, I’m over women like that. They’re just drama. I’m more of a simple man. Guess that’s why I’ll just watch her body move and not her face, much like most of my one-night stands.

Movement to my right has me jerking my head in that direction, finding North sliding onto a stool. His hair is styled and his black shirt under his leather vest is spotless.

“Back again, eh?” His eyes are on the girl twirling around the pole.

She’s new, I can tell by her stiff posture and the way her lips move as if she’s counting steps instead of letting her body just move to the music.

“Relaxes me to come here after a long day.” Even though I ain’t got shit to do. I need to find a side job or something.

He side-eyes me as if he knows better, but I just grab the neck of my beer bottle and take a sip.

“Where you from?”

“Kansas City area,” I reply, both of us watching the woman pick up her dollar bills scattered along the stage while another woman cleans the pole with a rag for her turn to dance.

“Why’d you come here?” he fires his next question.

“Toxic” by Britney Spears comes on and the girl starts her routine.

“Why not?” This time I give him a second glance, his face expressionless. “I don’t know, there wasn’t anything left in Kansas City for me, decided to move south, find a new place to cause trouble.”

This makes his mouth turn up into a small smirk. The idea that I’m a troublemaker conveying we might get along after all.

A drunken man throws himself over the side of the stage and grabs the woman’s leg. She slips on her heels and falls to the stage with a loud shriek.

North hops over the counter and runs to her rescue before I even get a chance to look at him for a reaction. He grabs the man by the ankles and jerks him off the stage, the guy manages to flip over onto his back and punches North right in the face, sending him stumbling back.