“Where is Dime!” A growl of frustration to her voice.

“Who’s Dime?”

“My sister, she’s the baker. She was supposed to be here already, I should have known better.” She mutters that last part.

“Ah,” I reply and her head snaps in my direction with sharp eyes.


I shake my head, not implying anything. At least not out loud.

“No, say it. You’re clearly thinking something.”

Smiling at her sassy little mouth, I cross my arms. She looks shy but she’s got a fire in her.

“So is this a bakery, coffee shop, or bookstore?”

She looks back down at the sink, turning the faucet off.

“It was going to be a coffee shop, the books are there to encourage customers to stay and give it a homey feel.” Glancing back at me, I grin.

“Here I was thinking it was just an identity crisis.”

She crosses her arms. “Thanks for helping but I have it from here.”

Looking at the soot that climbed the walls, I tilt my head.


Biting my cheek from laughing, I head back out into the café and get to work putting up the security crap.

Suddenly a young woman with brown straight hair wearing a small yellow tank and capris comes rushing into the building.

“I’m here! I’m here!” She frantically rushes past the register and into the kitchen. Must be the sister, Dime or Diamond. I can’t remember.

Standing on the ladder, I focus the camera onto the register and climb down.

“I told you who I was with!” the sister hollers from the kitchen. Maybelline comes out and starts stacking cups with a flustered look on her face.

“Yeah, and that makes it worse, Dime! He’s just using you until his girlfriend comes back and then he’ll leave you.”

“Not if I leave him first,” she replies, and I have to bite back my smile. She’s a feisty one alright.

“I hate to interrupt but Chaos wants me to bring back some coffee.”

They both look up at me, and Dime’s eyes widen.

“You’re the neighbor!”

“You must be the baker,” I reply with a straight face. Offending Maybelline, her jaw tightens, gaining Dime’s attention.

“What? What happened?”

“Let’s just say I installed the smoke detector so you might take over the muffins from now on.”

Maybelline’s jaw tightens as she puts the cups in a to-go tray and slides them onto the counter.

“Thanks so much. You can go now.”

Smirking, I grab the cups and wink at Dime who blushes crimson. I slip a piece of paper onto the counter with numbers on it and they both look at me in awe, as if I wrote my number on it.

“It’s the code to the security pad. Enter it when you leave and arrive,” I clarify, and Dime scoffs a laugh, her hand covering her mouth to hide her amusement.

Turning on my heel, feeling like a proud asshole, I leave. Crossing the street and back into the club, the guys are huddled around the pool table.

Chaos stops what he’s doing, standing upright as I come farther in.

“Everything good?”

Nodding, I hand him the drinks. Taking them, he slips one from the cardboard tray and hands it to North. He grabs another and pauses, his eyes looking at it oddly.

“What? Did I get the wrong one?”

Using his fingers, he turns the cup around and hands it to me.

“This one must be yours… Pigeon.”

The guys start laughing, and I snatch the coffee cup from him, looking at the writing on the side.

The bitch wrote Pigeon, making fun of my road name. It’ll be a miracle if the guys don’t start calling me Pigeon from now on.

Nostrils flaring, I run my tongue along the bottom of my teeth as the men get their kicks.

“That little bitch,” I mutter under my breath.

“I don’t think I’ve ever known Maybelline to do such a thing. That’s funny,” Ruin says, pointing at the cup before taking the pool cue and taking a turn.

That’s right, he grew up with her or some shit. She’s supposed to be some quiet, shy girl I hear but that’s all I know about her.

“Why do you say that?”

Ruin shrugs. “Well hell, after her parents died she was so busy trying to take care of her sister and herself she seemed like a wallflower but always going one-hundred miles an hour at the same time. Too busy to banter or have much a personality, I suppose.”

“Lucky me.” I look at the cup again and think about her sassy mouth and the way her eyes lit up when she thought I gave her my number. None of that matters now because she just started a war between us.

Game on, little girl.



Sitting on the couch after a shower, my hair rolled up into a towel to dry, I hear the sound of a motorcycle in the trailer court. Standing up, I place the How To Bake For Dummies book on the coffee table and walk over to the window. Peeling back the blinds, I watch Crow climb off his masculine metal bike and head up the steps to his trailer, but he stops. Turning, he jogs back down the stairs and starts across the street coming right toward my place. My heart stammers and I take a step back, panicking. Shit, he’s pissed about the cup.