Max had made him and Hunter get out of the car to take a breather… Now that I think about it, though, why did Hunter have to get out with Porter? Why was Max worried about him losing control? It’s not like Max seemed to be struggling with the same thing. And neither has Easton and Porter. Holden, I haven’t seen him since it happened, but still…

Who is Hunter? Could my dreams be right about him?

No, there’s no way. Vampires don’t even exist… Do they?

I’m about to ask, but Foster continues on.

“They can also feel your emotions and powers, and I think that might be messing with their heads.” A frown forms on his pretty lips. “I really wish Hunter was here so we could get the link fixed.” He sighs. “I’m starting to wonder if the reason things are getting intense around here is because the link is intensifying everyone’s emotions.”

I shiver as he sketches his finger along the inside of my wrist again, but I wonder if the feeling belongs to me or if it’s because of the link. Sure, I was attracted and drawn to Foster before the link was altered, but how much of what I’m feeling now is real? I want it to be true—I want to feel this way—but it’s hard to tell with so much magical influence controlling the situation.

“So basically you’re saying the reason I feel guilty when I kiss you is because of the link?” I ask. “And that my feelings aren’t real?”

He swiftly shakes his head, his hand returning to my cheek. “Most of what you’re feeling is real—I swear. Except for maybe the guilt. But that could be real too…” He leaves the unspoken question hanging in the air, his eyes searching mine.

I want to comfort him, tell him everything will be okay, that I know my feelings of guilt are being caused by the altered link, but the words refuse to leave my lips. Again, I’m uncertain if that’s because of the link or if I really am questioning my feelings toward him. Not that I believe I have feelings for all of the Porterson brothers. I mean, I’ve barely talked to Hunter and Porter, and Holden has been hot and cold toward me. Max has been pretty sweet, except for when he’s using his mind controlling powers on me. And then there’s East… My feelings for him confuse me. He drives me crazy most of the time and he’s always challenging me. Honestly, he gets under my skin in a way I don’t fully understand.

As Foster presses his lips together, I become painfully aware that more than likely my conflicting emotions are trickling down the link, so I rein them in.

Back before I found out I was an elemental enchanter, I use to be a pro at turning off my emotions. Ever since I met the Porterson brothers, though, I’ve struggled with it. And the altered link is making it even more difficult.

Foster swallows hard. “ Do you feel guilty every time I kiss you?”

God, I don’t want to answer that.

Lie, Sky. Lie to him.

Although, he’ll probably know if I do…

“I… I don’t know…”

He slips out his tongue to wet his lips, his gaze lowering to my mouth. “Maybe we should try it again and see. That is, if you don’t mind trying.”

Guilt briefly sweeps through me, but I hastily stifle it and remain motionless. “Yeah… We can do that.” Because while my emotions may be conflicted, I also want to kiss him.

Small bolts of lightning flash in his pupils as he leans in, his gaze dancing between my eyes and my lips. My eyes…My lips… My eyes—

His lips brush mine and sparks hum across my flesh as I moan and he does the same, deepening the kiss, his hands sliding to my waist. I

kiss him back, our tongues tangling, and heat blasts through my body, sharp yet wonderful.

For a wonderful, amazing moment, the kiss is perfect, but then that damn guilt prickles through me and my muscles ravel. Foster stiffens, then jerks back, gasping for air, his chest rising and crashing as he breathes raggedly. Lightning is crackling across his tattooed arms and panic courses through the link.

“Sky, I...” He takes a deep breath, then another, trying to calm down.

But the more he seems to try the more worked up he gets.

I’m about to ask him if he’s okay when sharp images suddenly pierce through my mind. Images of memories I’m fairly certain don’t belong to me.

“What’s happening?” I whisper, blinded by the images.

I can’t see anything as the memories consume my senses. Foster doesn’t respond, his grip tightening on my waist, his fingers trembling. I think he might be losing control of his projecting thoughts and emotions ability and accidentally letting them slip into me. At least I think it’s an accident. I’m not sure why he’s losing control, but I think the kiss may have had something to do with it.

“Sky…” His voice is an echo as memories of him and I kissing flash through my mind, of his hands wandering across my body, of the want consuming him as he tastes my lips.

But ultimately those images fade into darkness, swirling around and taking the shape of Foster and Max standing in the foyer of their home back in the human world.

“Are you sure he’s dead?” Max asks Foster, giving a quick glance at the stairway.