“You’re going out right now?” Holden gapes at me. “With everything going on?”

I shrug as I open the door. “It’s not like it’s going to do anyone good to sit in this hotel room. Answers aren’t going to come to us. We need to go looking for them.”

He lifts his brows in skepticism, but I ignore him and walk out the door.

Rain is drizzling from the sky as I hike through the trees toward Camille’s tree house located a few miles away. At first, I take my time, but as my thirst starts to increase, my throat becoming very dry, I quicken my pace to a jog, puddles splashing up and soaking the bottom of my jeans.

By the time I arrive at Camille’s place, I’m soaked.

“That was quick,” Camille remarks as she opens the door and lets me in.

I drag my fingers through my wet hair as I step inside the living room lit up by glowing violet flowers dangling from the branches growing from the ceiling.

“I’m hungry,” I say, turning to her. “And I’m kind of worried what you said was right.”

She closes the door, gathers her dress, and makes her way over to me. “There’s only one way to find out.” She leans over, collects a teacup from off an end table, and hands it to me.

I take the cup and breathe in the scent of the blood inside it, my mouth salivating. “How did you get this anyway?”

She sinks down into a chair and stares at the flames crackling in the fireplace. “I keep some on hand when I know you’re going to be visiting.”

“Oh.” Cupping the cup in my hand, I sit down across from her.

Then I lower my face to the cup, not drinking, but breathing in the scent of what my body is craving.

She watches me curiously. “You’re hesitating.”

“I’m worried,” I admit. “That what you said about the link is going to be true.”

“More than likely it is.” She crosses her legs and rests her arms on the armrests, watching me. “I’m rarely wrong about my readings.”

“Rarely, but not always,” I say.

She shrugs with a trace of an amused smile on her lips.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re enjoying this?” I ask, resting back in the chair.

She shrugs again. “Maybe I am.”

I eye her over suspiciously. I like Camille and everything, but she’s a faerie, which means it’s in her nature to be tricky and manipulat

ive. “Why, though?”

She gives another indifferent shrug. “I’ve been around a long time, Hunter, and not much entertains me anymore. But this thing with your brothers and this girl… I find it very entertaining.”

“I’m glad our problems are so amusing to you.”

“Me too.” She gestures for me to hurry up. “Now come on. Stop stalling and drink up. The suspense is driving me crazy.”

Rolling my eyes, I lift the cup to my lips. “Well, here goes nothing.” I gulp down a mouthful of blood, at first feeling the hunger quiet inside me. But then a wave of pain sears at my throat and I spit the blood out all over the floor.

Camille glances at the blood then at me. “That was messy.”

I wipe the blood from my lips as I cough. “Fuck, this is bad.”

Her lips quirk. “Perhaps, but at least my reading was correct.”

I narrow my eyes at her but then sigh, slumping back in the sofa and staring at the blood I spit all over the floor, proof that Camille’s reading was correct. That the longer my brothers and I stay connected to Sky, the more it’s going to affect us to the point where all of our abilities and cravings will have to be connected to Sky, including my blood thirst, which means if I want to feed my thirst, I’ll have to drink Sky’s blood. Which is going to go over really well considering I haven’t even told most of my brothers about the vampire blood pumping through my veins.