No one says anything to that and I start to realize that while I may be feeling worried about the link being fixed, it’s probably for the better since they’re all starting to get really edgy.

“Now, now, boys,” Camille interrupts with a slight smile on her glittery lips. “Lets not get into a fight over this poor girl.” Her gaze strays to me, her head tilted to the side. “Although, poor girl is an inaccurate name for you…” She steps toward me, her eyes swirling with light. “I’m sensing so many strange powers flowing off of you.” She lifts her hand in the air and circles it in front of my face. “It’s… intense.” As she moves closer to me, Foster inches toward me. She pauses, appearing amused. “While I understand your protectiveness toward her, elemental enchanter, if you want me to fix the link, you’re going to have to let me get close enough to read her.”

Foster glares daggers at Hunter. “You told her what I am?”

“I’m an energy reader,” Camille says. “No one has to tell me anything—I could read it all over you the moment you walked into the room.”

Crap, does that mean she can read what I am too?

Foster must be having the same thoughts because he protectively moves inches to me.

“Fost, chill,” Hunter says. “Camille and I made a blood promise that binds her to secrecy, and if she tells anyone anything that she knows about us, she’ll die.”

At the mention of a blood promise, my gaze wanders in East’s direction. He’s looking at me but hastily glances away.

Internally sighing, I turn back to Camille, whose gaze is dissecting me with curiosity and a drop of puzzlement.

“Do you mind if I take your hand?” she asks me. “I’m having a bit of a hard time reading you.”

I give a nervous glance at Foster. “Um…”

He presses his lips together and trades a look with Hunter, who gives a nod.

“If you don’t trust her, at least trust me,” Hunter says to Foster.

Blowing out a breath, Foster turns to me. “Go ahead.”

Nerves bubble inside me as I stick out my hand and Camille takes ahold of it.

Oh my God, I’m touching a faerie. And I can feel a trickle of magic humming off of her and slipping into me…

So weird…

But as quickly as the sensation arises, she jerks back. Frowning, she twists to face Hunter.

“I need to talk to you for a moment.” She peers around at all of us, then gathers the bottom of her dress in her hand and hurries past us and toward the door, calling over her shoulder, “Alone.”

Hunter’s brows knit, but then he shrugs and follows after her.

No one says anything right away after they leave the room, but the Porterson brothers do trade a few perplexed looks with each other.

“I wonder what that was about,” Foster mumbles with a frown.

Shrugging, Porter strolls past us and back to a bar in the corner. “Who the hell knows, but personally I’m getting bored of this drama.” He collects a glass and a bottle filled with sparkling silver liquid from off a shelf then pours himself a drink

I wonder what he’s drinking. If everyone wasn’t freaking out, including me, I’d probably ask. But I’m too distracted by the memory of the worry in Camille’s eyes as she looked at me.

What did she see in me? Is there something wrong with me?

Max rolls his eyes at Porter. “Yeah, because you never cause drama.”

Porter’s lips quirk as he twists the cap back on the bottle. “What’re you trying to say?”

“That you’re a drama queen,” Max quips with a half smile.

East snorts a laugh. Even Holden, who rarely smiles, cracks a grin.

But Foster doesn’t even so much as crack a smile. “I don’t like that she knows what I am and it more than likely means that she’s aware of what Sky is.”