“My brothers rented a room at a hotel that’s pretty far out from the main city in the fey,” Foster explains as we reach a large, wide, winding staircase. Vines weave around the banister that curls upward with the stairs, leading to an arched doorway. “And it’s good that they did. It’ll keep us pretty hidden while we’re here.”

“She should at least visit the city once while we’re here,” Porter remarks, standing so close behind me that his breath dusts across the back of my neck. “It’d be a waste for her not to see it.”

“It’s too dangerous,” Foster tells him as he starts up the stairway. “And honestly, I don’t plan on us staying here for that long.”

“Your fear is making you miss out on a lot of things, little brother,” Porter replies, his fingers curling around my waist. “You really need to stop being afraid so much and start embracing things. And let Sky embrace things too.”

I should shove his hand off—I know I should—but that soul tethering connection begs me not to.

Foster throws a dirty look at Porter. “I don’t force Sky to do anything.”

“Is that so?” Porter questions, his voice carrying speculation. “Maybe you should ask Sky then if she wants to visit the city while she’s here.”

Foster glares at him but his expression softens when his eyes slide to me. “Do you want to visit the city? It could be dangerous, but if we were really careful, maybe we could.”

While I’m afraid, the idea of visiting a city of fey does sound interesting. Plus… “We did make a promise to travel and see places,” I remind him. “And with the god of darkness not being able to touch me right now, I’d be safe.”

“It’s not just him that you have to worry about,” he mumbles but then shakes his head. “You know what? If you want to visit the city then I’ll take you.”

I smile. “Awesome.”

He smiles then turns around and continues up the stairway.

The stairs creak under our weight as we make our way upward, filling up the silence that has settled amongst us. The longer I walk in silence with Porter’s hand on my waist, the more I feel a pulsating need rising inside me, the same hunger I felt with East. It grows so strong that I almost lean forward and press my lips to Foster’s neck. I may very well have but when Porter threads his fingers through mine and the hunger stills.

While it’s strange to be holding both their hands with all the tension flowing between everyone, I don’t let go, craving the connection with both of them.

God, I’m so messed up in the head. Hopefully when the link is fixed, my mind will go back to normal. Well, as normal as it was before links, tetherings, and blood promises started messing with it.

When we reach the top of the stairway, we enter the bedroom I was in earlier. Holden, Hunter, Max, and East are there, along with a tall, willow looking creature with startling blue eyes, flowing lavender hair, and she’s wearing a silver silk dress. Beautiful is the word that pops into my mind when I see her. In fact, her beautifulness is so otherworldly that my mind has a hard time grasping the sight.

But I get distracted as worry instantly cascades over me. Worry that doesn’t belong to me.

I glance around at the Porterson brothers, taking them all in together, all of them an abundance of nerves except for maybe Hunter, who’s standing the closest to me, right beside Camille. Tall and lean, he’s dressed in a long-sleeved, grey shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black pants, thick boots, and his intense golden eyes are assessing me as closely as mine are him.

“You look different,” he remarks, intrigue sparkling in his eyes. “More alive. It’s an… appealing look for you.”

“Don’t start,” Holden warns before I can say anything.

Not that I had anything

to say. But my thoughts do wander to the dream I had about Hunter being a vampire. Porter told me vampires are creatures to be feared, though, so I know there’s no way Hunter could be one.

Hunter rolls his eyes and Holden sighs, shifting his position in the chair he’s sitting in.

I’m surprised I have such an easy time telling them apart, since their identical twins and I haven’t been around them that much. While their features are almost exactly the same, Holden has a scar above his brow and more worry reflects from his eyes, but I think that’s because he reveals his emotions more than Hunter does. They also dress differently, Holden having a more casual style, right now sporting a long-sleeved blue shirt, jeans, and Converse sneakers

“We should probably get this done,” Max says, interrupting the silence that’s taken over the room.

My attention drifts to him and East. They’re standing side by side back by the farthest wall. They’re both wearing all black with chains dangling from their jeans and leather bands cover their wrists. They look so alike except for Max is a bit older and has dark hair and East has blond. They’re both wearing tense expressions, though.

Foster must sense the concern filling the room too because he asks, “What’s going on?”

No one speaks right away and hardly anyone will meet my gaze. Well, except for Hunter, who’s staring at me with his head slanted to the side, his gaze intense.

“It’s nothing.” Hunter decides to be the spokesperson for everyone. “We’re just a little bit…” He wavers his head from side to side. “Apprehensive about fixing the link. Not that we don’t want to do it, but from what Camille has told me, it’s going to be complicated and take a lot of not just my power, but everyone’s.”

Foster stares him down hard. “I’m sure that’s the only reason—because using a lot of power always makes you guys apprehensive.”