“Honestly, I’m not even sure. I’m not that great at speaking other languages either.” He winks at me.

I frown, aware he’s being vague on purpose.

Just what the hell did we promise to each other?

“Stop frowning. This promise is a good thing,” he assures me then takes a deep breath, his mood shifting again. “However, what I need to tell you now is going to be a bit hard to hear.”

“You mean about the soul tethering?”

He gives a hesitant nod. “So Porter hardly explained anything about it to you before he did it?”

I nod. “Other than while he was doing it he was going to feed off my powers. But he didn’t explain how he could do that. Or well, he didn’t explain what he is, other than he’s kind of undead.”

His eyes flash with surprise and the ice covering his pupils melts into liquid and drips out of his eyes. “He told you he was undead?”

“Yeah… Did you not know that he was?” Crap, was I not supposed to say anything about it?

“No, I knew but… He rarely tells anyone. In fact, it took him three years after it happened before he even told me and Foster.”

“Well, I think he sort of felt like he had to since when he appeared in my dream, I relentlessly bombarded him with questions about what he is.”

“That makes sense, I guess.” But his forehead is creased in puzzlement.

Which makes my own forehead crease. “You think that’s not the reason why?”

“I don’t know.” He wavers, chewing on his bottom lip. “I have a theory, but I’m not sure if I should tell you yet.”

I lift my brows. “I thought the main reason you brought me out here was to tell me the truth.”

“True.” He wavers again then sits up straighter. “I’m gonna tell you my theory, but first I want to explain the details of soul tethering so we can get that out of the way.”

I nod, hoping I can handle what he’s about to say. But his sudden nervousness does nothing for my own nerves.

“Soul tethering, while temporary, is still a pretty big deal,” he starts. “Not only is your soul tethered to Porter’s right now, but his is tethered to yours, which means your souls are connected.” He pauses, observing me. “When you were close to him back in the tree house, did you feel anything strange when you looked at him?”

I bite on my lip. “Kind of.”

“I’m guessing it was an intense connection of desire, need, and hunger?”

“Yeah, but how did you know that?” I feel too exposed at the moment.

“Because I know how soul tethering works,” he tries to tease but then sighs. “Well, and also because your emotions slipped down the link.” He scratches at the back of his neck. “But anyway, until this soul tethering thing fades, you’re going to have some of the same urges as Porter. It won’t be as intense or anything, but they’ll be there.”

“Wait… You mean I’m going to want to feed off power?” I ask and he gives a reluctant nod. My eyes widen in horror. “Bu

t I’m not going to have to, right?”

He doesn’t respond immediately, but I’m pretty certain his silence is enough of an answer.

“Holy shit,” I breathe out. “I don’t think… I can’t…” I struggle for words.

East takes a hold of my hand. “Don’t worry. My brothers and I will do everything we can to find another way around this And if we find one quickly enough, you’ll never have to feed off of anyone’s powers.”

I swallow the lump wedged in my throat. “Porter mentioned there was another solution to keeping darkness out of me forever, but I’m not sure I like it either.”

His brows furrow. “What’s the solution?”

“To become like him. And while I’m not even sure what he is, I know he feeds off power and is undead so…” I trail off, noting how pale East looks. “What’s wrong?”