Only when we’re completely alone does he come to a stop and let go of my hand. Then he reclines against the trunk of a large tree, the branches blooming with white and pink flowers that lace the air with a sugary scent.

“I think this is far enough away.” He sits down onto the ground then pats the spot of dirt beside him.

I walk over and sit down, crisscrossing my legs. “Far enough away from the falopixie, I’m guessing.”

“That and my brothers.”

“Why do you need to be far away from your brothers?”

He bends his legs and rests his arm on his knee. “So they’ll be less likely to hear what I’m about to tell you.”

I’m so confused. “Why can’t they know?”

He nibbles on his lip. “Because I think I’m going to tell you everything and some of them are not going to be happy with me when I do, but considering what happened when you found out about Brody, I think you should know more about what’s going on.”

Pain pierces my heart at the reminder that I’m a murderer and his gaze snaps in my direction.

Frowning, he scoots toward me. “Stop blaming yourself for his death. He’s not worth the pain.”

“I know that. And I really am trying not to feel guilty about it, but it’s complicated.” I draw my knees to my chest, lower my head, and take a few breaths. “I know he was a bad creature, but the idea that I killed someone…” Breathe, Sky. Just breathe. “It makes me feel too much inside, which makes my mind want to find a way to erase it. And I think the way that it found to do that was by making my power of darkness manifest.”

“I understand that feelings can be a real bitch. Trust me, I do. And I’m probably being a total hypocrite when I say this, but I’m going to say it anyway.” He smooths his hand over the back of my head. “You’ve got to find a way to deal with this and move past it because no matter what we do, magic can’t permanently fix our emotions. It can mask them. In fact, it’s really good at doing that. But it’s not a permanent fix unless you want to constantly be doped up on magic, which can lead to addiction.”

I lift my head to meet his gaze. “Creatures can get addicted to magic?”

He nods. “Just like humans can get addicted to drugs. And the side effects of a magic addiction aren’t pretty. Trust me.”

“You sound like you’re speaking from experience?” I study him, the way he frowns, the sadness haunting his silver eyes.

His throat muscles work as he swallows hard. “That’s because I am.”

“You were addicted to magic?” I can’t conceal my shock.

“Once upon a time, I was.” He forces a fake smile. “It’s okay, though. I’m fine now.”

The doubt residing in the link reveals his lie. He gives me zero time to press for more details, though, pushing on.

“But anyway, we’re here to talk about you, not about the messed up choices I’ve made. I just want to make sure that you’ll deal with the guilt. In fact, I want you to make a blood promise that you will.”

Huh? “What the heck’s a blood promise?”

He sticks his hand out in front of him with his palm facing upward. “It’s basically what it sounds like. We cut our hands open, press our palms together, and make a promise.”

“That sounds very close to something humans do.”

He smiles. “I should also probably explain that some of our powers would mix in with our blood and magically bind the promise. So if you break it, your powers might burn you to death.”

My eyes widen. “What the heck? Why would you want to do that—”

He busts up laughing and I swat his arm.

“You and your damn jokes are starting to get on my nerves.” But I’m having a hard time not smiling.

And he completely notices too, winking at me.


etly, I know you like it, but I’ll let you lie for now.” He disregards my dirty look, taking my hand in his. “Don’t worry. Breaking a blood promise won’t make your powers burn you to death. However, if you do break it, it’ll temporarily restrain my powers.”