I perk up a bit. “Did someone find something out about her?”

He shakes his head. “No, but Scott and Marla might know where she is, since she gave you to them. My mom’s been working on getting information from them, but so far they’ve been withholding unless they get paid. And while my parents have a lot of money, the price they’re asking for is extremely out of our price range.”

I grimace. “This is just like them. They’re so money hungry. They even sold me once just so that they could afford drinks for the night. Then again, they also let the elemental god of darkness and the hunters pay them to leave my life and leave me vulnerable so…” I stop talking.

Why the hell am I babbling about this right now?

Foster’s eyes widen in horror, his lips parting, but East speaks first.

“What the fuck do you mean they sold you for drinks?” His voice trembles with rage and his hands are balled at his sides.

“It wasn’t like anything sexual,” I quickly add. “I just had to clean this guy’s house in short shorts and Marla and Scott pocketed the money, which I know is fucked up, but that’s just how they were. I’m honestly glad they’re not my real parents because they’re straight up selfish assholes.” I shrug, trying to play it cool, but deep down, every time I think about all the times Marla and Scott sold me out for cash, the final time putting me in a lot of danger, it hurts like a bitch. What makes it a bit easier to deal with is knowing I have a real mother out there, but for all I know she could be just as bad as Scott and Marla.

Foster swallows hard while Max looks at me sympathetically and East shakes his head with i

rritation. I don’t look at Porter, too afraid I’ll feel that connection to him, but I can sense that he pities me.

With another shake of his head, East nudges Foster out of the way then crouches down in front of me. He starts to reach for me but then pulls back. “Sky, I want you to listen to me.” It’s weird hearing him use my real name, but I nod and he lets out an unsteady exhale. “Never, ever is it okay for anyone to sell you for anything and if it ever happens again, you kick the asshole who did it out of your life, okay?”

“Well, it’s not like Marla and Scott are going to be in my life anymore,” I remind him. “They…” I trail off as he places a finger to my lips, shushing me.

“Just promise me, okay? That no matter who it is or what the reason is, you’ll never let anyone exchange you for something.” His intense eyes dew with water as he waits for me to respond.

Honestly, he looks as if he’s crying, but I’m fairly certain the water is from his powers. At least I think so. But then agony blazes down the link and I have to wonder if perhaps he is struggling not to cry.

He blinks, his eyes drying. Then his brow arches. “Well?”

“Yeah, I promise I won’t let anyone do that to me anymore,” I assure him, searching his eyes for an answer to what the hell I just felt, but the link has lulled into a content state.

“Good.” He offers me one of his infamous lazy smiles then moves to stand up, but not before he pinches my thigh.

I flinch then narrow my eyes at him. “What the heck was that for?”

“Payback for that tickling shit you pulled back at the cabin.” A devious smirk plays at his lips. “But we’re not even close to being even yet, lightning eyes.”

I carry his gaze. “Game on, raindrop.”

His forehead creases. “Raindrop?”

I smirk. “Yep, it’s my new nickname for you.”

He shakes his head. “No way…” He holds up his hands. “You know what? Call me whatever you want. I can handle it.”

I grin. “Sure you can, raindrop.”

His lip twitches, his eyes glinting wickedly. “Keep it up.”

“Oh, I’m going to,” I assure him.

The room grows quiet as we smile at each other like two idiots and that’s when I realize that I’m actually smiling. I honestly didn’t think it could happen.

“Well, at least she’s smiling,” Porter says, breaking the silence.

“Of course she is,” East says, winking at me. “She’s looking at me.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re such a cocky shit.”

Max snorts a laugh and my gaze shifts to him.