It might not be that hard…

To be evil…

I wouldn’t have to think about the terrible thing I did…

About the blood staining my hands…

I wouldn’t have to think about anything because I wouldn’t care about anything…

But then what would I become? The god of darkness’s queen? While I may not know much about this new magical life I was thrown into only weeks ago, I know enough about darkness to understand that would be a terrible thing. That he craves evil and probably has blood on his hands, blood belonging to the other gods and goddesses.

Fight it, Sky! Fight it with everything you have in you!

Darkness laughs at me. “You think you can win against me? I thought you would’ve learned by now that you’ll never win—”

“Oh honey, what have you done to yourself?” The voice that comes out of nowhere carries familiarity and strangely, a drop of amusement.

I blink several times and the darkness scatters, scurrying away and hovering near the trees…

Wait, trees? Where am I?

“Sky,” darkness whispers from outside my head now. “Don’t… You… Dare…” The voice fades into a hushed whisper.

I exhale a deafening breath as I regain control of my body and mind. Relief begins to wash over me until I note my surroundings.

I’m no longer in the cabin but sitting on a muddy ground in the middle of a dark, damp forest. A fog haunts the trees and silvery moonlight filters across the willow branches canopying above me.

“Where the hell am I?” I whisper, peering around at the unfamiliar place.

A figure emerges from the trees, the moonlight hitting their back and making their face a shadow. I should be afraid. I’m in a dark, foggy forest, with no idea how I got here, and some person or creature is looming in the distance. The scene is straight out of a horror movie except I can sense I don’t need to be afraid, that whoever is out there won’t hurt me. That they want to help me. Well, that and feed off of me…

Wait… If I can feel what they’re feeling then they have to be one of the Porterson brothers.

“Your confusion is amusing,” they remark, their boots thudding against the ground as they make their way closer to me.

Wait… I know that voice...

“Porter?” A drop of nervous energy drips through me.

Porter is the oldest of the Porterson brothers, Out of all of them, he is by far the one that makes me feel the most on edge, has from the moment I met him. But it’s not the only feeling he has instilled in me. There’s been a couple of times where I’ve felt… Well, almost like I wanted to surrender to him, which is really freakin’ odd, but everything about my life with the Porterson’s has been odd, so, yeah…

Some of Porter’s brothers have given me little hints of warnings that he’s different, making me question exactly who—or what—Porter is. I’ve also felt some strange things occasionally flowing down the link that I’m almost positive belong to Porter. Hunger. Desire. The need to feed and devour something. It gets so intense sometimes that I find myself wanting to bite someone, which again is weird and makes me think of the dream I had where Hunter bit me.


“You don’t need to be afraid of me,” he promises, his features becoming more prominent the closer he gets.

“I’m not,” I lie, moving to get up.

But my legs wobble from exhaustion so I end up plopping right back down on the ground.

The corners of Porter’s lips quirk upward. “If this is going to work, you’re going to have to be honest with me.”

My brows pull together. “If what is going to work?”

He stops inches away from me and squats down, pale moonlight reflecting in his lavender eyes, the pupils glistening like ice. Or maybe they are ice since that’s his elemental power.

“Me getting you out of here,” he says with a wink.