“Fuck off, man,” Foster growls. “You don’t know shit about this.”

“Language,” Emaline scolds.

“Sorry,” Foster mutters. “I’m just a little stressed out. What happened in the living room with her … that was … intense.”

“Intense in a good way?” Max asks curiously. “From what it looked like, I’m guessing so.”

When Foster doesn’t answer right away, Hunter chimes in. “Bro, it’s okay to admit you liked it. Despite what you’ve had to tell yourself for the last several years, it’s actually not a bad thing to like a girl.”

Wait … Are they talking about me?

I promptly shake my head. Hell no. There’s no way Foster likes me.

Of course, the next thing Foster says gives me one scenario where he could. A scenario that makes my stomach churn and frustration roar through me.

“I understand that,” Foster replies quietly, his tone crammed with fear and agony. “But it’s hard. I spent most of my life believing I was the only elemental enchanter, and that I will never be able to get close enough to anyone to have a romantic relationship—at least, not without my powers killing them—so I shut almost everyone out.” He releases a shaky breath. “Now I find out I’m not the only elemental enchanter, and that I can possibly have what I thought I never could …”

I back away, not wanting to hear the rest, my mind racing as I rush back to my room.

What Foster just said … Does it mean only an elemental enchanter can date another elemental enchanter? If that’s so, then that means …

I slip inside my room, shut the door, and yank my fingers through my hair. “Goddammit! How did everything get so messed up? Why did I have to come here? I just want to go home.” Tears of frustration flood my eyes, and the sky weeps with me. “I need to get out of here … take a break, get some answers,” I whisper as I hurry into the closet to grab a bag.

As I’m packing, I dig out my phone, glad to see it’s working again.

I text Nina, begging her to come get me. She replies almost instantly.

Nina: I can leave now. Just send me the address.

I do what she asks then finish packing, taking a couple of outfits, my toiletries, and a couple of the joints Gage gave me. I’m not running away or anything. I just need a break. I also want to go to the storage unit where my parents’ stuff is and see if perhaps there’s anything in there that’ll give me some answers as to what the hell is going on.

I should probably go tell Emaline I’m leaving, especially since I’m supposed to be starting school tomorrow, but I can’t seem to bring myself to face any of them right now, not after what I just heard. So, like a coward, I sneak downstairs to the back door, passing through the kitchen on my way so I can get Emaline’s phone number off the iPad. That way, I can text her and let her know where I’ve gone. From what I can tell, the Everettson family is still discussing the issue at hand as I sneak out the back door.

I feel awful for bailing. Sure, the entire situation is fucked up, but most of them have treated me decently. All except Foster and sometimes Easton.

Foster, the only other elemental enchanter in the world.

The only person I can ever have a relationship with.

Fuck, what if that’s true?

That question repeatedly streams through my mind as I hurry out the front gate and wait for Nina by the side of the road.

The sky grows dark as time passes, and rain drizzles from the clouds, soaking through my jacket. But I remain standing out in the storm, without shelter, strangely content with the rain. Well, that is until I get the strangest feeling I’m being watched.

The rain is coming down too hard to see much around me, and as the fe

eling increases, I debate going back into the house. Right as I’m turning to go back in, though, Nina pulls up.

Sighing in relief, I climb into the passenger seat.

“Holy shit, this is where you live now?” she asks as I shut the door.

I nod, fastening my seatbelt. “Yep, this is home sweet home,” I reply dryly.

“It’s gorgeous,” she says, unable to tear her eyes off the house. “Seriously, what’s it like living here?”

I peek over at the Everettsons’ home, only one word coming to mind when I think about the last couple of days. “Chaotic.” I sink back in the seat. “Let’s get out of here before they realize I’m gone.”