Seriously, Sky? Like bats can scream. And besides, after what you just learned, you should probably be thinking more creatively.

“Just ignore it,” I whisper to myself.

But as I pass by the room Emaline was in last night, it’s pretty clear the noise is coming from in there. Beyond curious, I step toward the door. I almost feel bad for snooping, but not enough to back out. Wrapping my fingers around the doorknob, I push the door open. Or well, try to push the door open, but it’s locked.

As the shrieking grows rambunctious, I crouch down and peer through the door lock. What I see makes me question if I am insane, if maybe I did a hit of acid somehow without knowing and have lost my mind. Because on the other side of the door is a room covered in trees and flowers, so thick it looks like a forest is growing in there. But that’s not even the craziest part. No, the craziest part is the blond haired man… creature with glittery purple skin and pale blue lips screaming at the top of his lungs.

I gasp, slapping my hand over my mouth. What is this?

The man/creature pauses, his gaze flicking toward the door. A grin curls at his lips, and then just like that, one of his beady, purple eyes is peering through the lock at me.

“Hey little enchanted one, why don’t you let me out of here?” he purrs.

A chill slithers down my spine, and I trip back, shaking my head. “No way.”

“Oh come on,” he begs hypnotically. “I promise I don’t bite.”

I shake my head again, and he completely contradicts himself as he snaps his teeth.

Fuck this shit.

I take off sprinting down the stairs, my feet hammering against the steps.

“Are you okay?” Emaline asks as I enter the room, panting.

Only her, Gabe, and Max are in the room. The rest of the Everettsons are MIA, and a circle of rainbow-tinted light is now funneling in the center of the fireplace instead of a fire.

“Um…” I struggle to catch my breath. “Were you aware there’s a screaming… man in your room?”

Her expression drops. “That’s not a man. That’s a… faerie?” She says it more like a question.

My eyes snap wide. “Faerie’s exist?”

Max finds my reaction amusing. “They do. And there’s a lot more than just faeries wandering around in this world and other worlds too.”

“Oh.” I have so many questions yet not a damn one seems to want to leave my lips.

“Will explain more when we get back, okay?” Emaline steps toward me. “Right now, we really need to get going.” She nods at the rainbow-tinted light swirling in the fireplace.

r />

I’m uncertain what I expected when Emaline said we’d be leaving this world, but I didn’t consider it’d be through some sort of portal in the fireplace.

“Go ahead and walk through the portal, Sky.” Emaline points at the circle of rainbow light then offers me an encouraging smile. “My boys are waiting for you on the other side, and Gabe, Max, and I will be right behind you.”

I stare at the shimmering light moving like a tornado into the unknown. I attempt to will my feet forward, but my boots feel as heavy as bricks of lead.

Max steps up beside me. “You’ll be fine. Just hold my hand, okay?” He laces his fingers through mine.

He doesn’t give me any time to back out, tugging me into the light. And all I can do is hold my breath and hope I make it out of this alive.

Hope that I can trust the Everettsons.

Chapter 13

Portal traveling? Yeah, if you’d asked me a few days ago if I thought stuff like that existed, I’d have gone with a um… are you crazy? Yeah, I may have powers, but I’ve also spent most of my life believing I was the only one who did. Turns out, I was wrong.

Way, way wrong…