His eyes sparkle in delight. “Only when I’m having a really bad hair day. Sometimes it can get complicated looking this fantastic.”

“He’s not kidding,” Foster says with a hint of a smile. “He spends, like, two hours in the bathroom every morning.”

Easton glares at him, but the corners of his lips tug upward. “Good to know you become a traitor when you’re trying to impress her.”

Foster grits his teeth. “I do not.”

“All right,” Gabe intervenes. “Let’s stop overwhelming Sky.”

“Yeah right. Look at her.” Easton smirks at me. “She’s totally getting off on this.”

I narrow my eyes and flip him the middle finger, but he only laughs.

Emaline sighs. “Good gods, sometimes I question how I’ve managed to stay sane all these years.”

“Who says you still are?” Gabe mumbles then pulls a whoopsie face when she glares at him.

But then she smiles and kisses his cheek. “It’s a good thing you love crazy.”

I have to admit, as strange as they are, watching them interact helps me feel a bit more at ease. Of course, when they all look at me expectantly, waiting for me to agree to do the merging enchantment, all that ease fizzles.

“So, what do you say, Sky?” Easton asks with a smirk. “You think you have the guts to do the spell or what?”

Maybe it’s the smirk or the challenge in his tone. Or perhaps I’m still high and drunk and not thinking clearly. Or maybe, deep down, all the years of having to deal with my powers alone has finally gotten to me. Maybe I secretly crave having some sort of connection.

Or maybe I’ve just lost my damn mind.

Who the hell knows?

Whatever the reason, I find myself nodding.

“All right, yeah, let’s do it,” I say, hoping I’m not making a big mistake.

They all nod, but some of them appear a bit tense.

“We should probably warn you that you might pass out,” Foster says. “I know you don’t like that.”

“No, I don’t.” I internally shudder as I remember passing out earlier and darkness crawling into the crevasses of my mind. “Can you, like, try to wake me up as soon as possible?”

He nods. “I’ll do my best.”

“Okay.” I release an unsteady breath. “So, what do I have to do?”

“We stand in a circle and place our hands in each other’s,” Holden explains, sticking his hands out to his sides.

The others follow while Emaline and Gabe back up at bit. That makes my nerves go up a notch. My anxiety only doubles as I place my hand in Max’s, who’s standing on my right, and then in Foster’s, who moved to my left.

“Now what?” I ask, glancing at the six of them.

“Now close your eyes,” Foster instructs, threading his fingers through mine.

As I lower my eyelids, I have the strangest thought that maybe this is all a prank. After all, Emaline said her boys like to do that sort of stuff. Then again, I doubt her and Gabe would play along.

Then, all my doubts go bye-bye, see ya later when a sudden wave of power blazes through me.

I gasp as I feel all their powers connect and merge with mine. Suddenly, I can feel everything they’re feeling. It’s brief and happens so quickly, but I have to say, some of the shit that’s going on with them is a bit … complicated to deal with.

I don’t get too stressed out over it, though, because a split-second later, I hear a loud zap, and then I pass out.