Before we head inside, Foster digs a small vial filled with a clear, glittery liquid from out of the glove box. The eye changing drops, I’m assuming.

“Put a couple of drops of this in each of your eyes while thinking about your eyes being less bloodshot, and it should clear the red out of it,” he says, handing me the vial.

“Okay.” But I make no effort to do so.

“It won’t hurt,” Foster promises. “It just feels sort of sparkly.”

“It’s not pain I’m worried about.” I scratch my eye. “I just don’t like putting things in my eyes.”

Foster rubs his lips together. “You want me to help you?”

I nod eagerly. “Yes, please.” I give him back the vial.

He pats the console. “Rest your head on this and try to keep your eyes open, okay?”

I obey, resting my head on the console. But as soon as he positions the vial over my eye, I start blinking like crazy.

“Try not to blink, okay?” He waits for me to nod then moves the vial over my eye again.

I blink.

He sighs, but a trace of an amused smile tugs at his lips. “Okay, I’m going to have East hold your eye open.”

I pull a face but don’t argue.

Easton grins as he leans over me, reaching for my eye.

“I have a feeling you’re enjoying this way too much,” I remark as Easton holds my eye open.

His grin broadens. “Now, why would you think that?” Then he moves his fingers closer together, making my eye close then open again. “Look, she’s winking at me.”

“Good gods, East, you can be so annoying sometimes.” Max nudges him out of the way and offers me an apologetic look before holding my eye open.

Foster hurries and applies the drops in one eye then the other before sitting back and putting the cap back on the vial.

I sit up, blinking, my eyeballs feeling weirdly sparkly. “This feels so weird.”

Foster scans my face over, his gaze lingering on my eyes. “Your eyes aren’t red anymore, though.”

I pull the visor down and look at my reflection in the mirror. Sure enough, my eyes are completely bloodshot free. “Man, if Gage knew this shit existed, he’d be all over it.”

A muscle in Foster’s jaw ticks. “Gage, your friend, right?”

I nod, giving him a perplexed look. “Yeah, the guy you met just barely.” Not that I believe he’s forgotten who Gage is. I just don’t understand why he’s double-checking.

Nodding, Foster climbs out of the car, while Easton snickers and Max sighs.

Sighing myself, I hop out of the car and follow Foster out the garage and up the path to the front door of the house.

“So, how much trouble am I going to be in?” I ask Foster as we enter the foyer.

“Well, since it’s your first offense, not too much.” He aims for a teasing tone but misses the mark. “Honestly, after we tell my parents that a hunter has contacted you, I think they’re probably going to forget about you taking off tonight.”

“Good. Well, I don’t mean that it’s good a hunter contacted me, but I’m glad I’m probably not going to get in too much trouble tonight,” I nervously ramble.

A ghost of a smile touches his lips, but then it fades as he frowns. “They’re still going to have to do something about the hunter being in contact with you. They need to make sure our family’s secrets stay secret.”

Nervousness creeps through me, but before I can ask what his parents are going to do to me, Emaline appears at the top of the stairs.