“I’m not going to pass out every time you try to get it down, am I?” I shudder, recalling how the darkness called to me when I passed out.

Foster shakes his head. “Now that I know what to expect from your powers, I should be able to stabilize us better.”

I nod in relief. “Good.”

My phone buzzes from inside my bag, and I reach in to dig it out, figuring it’s Nina. But as I’m pulling it out, the card that weird guy gave me falls onto my lap.

“What’s that?” Foster wonders, giving a nod at the card.

“Oh.” I pick up the card, noting it’s still blank. “It’s actually a weird story. Yesterday, when you guys moved my stuff out of my house, when I left for lunch with my friends, this guy came up to me and warned me about you guys. Said you weren’t who I thought you were, and that, when I wanted to know the truth, to call him.” I hold up the card. “He gave me this, but there isn’t anything on it.”

“Let me see it.” Max takes the card from me and glances at the front and back with a worried look on his face.

“I should also probably point out that, when I accidentally made the lights flicker on and off, he glanced up, almost like he knew I had powers—” I startle as Foster and Easton let out a string of curses. “What’s wrong?” I glance at them both.

Foster’s grip on the wheel tightens. “Sky, this is very important. Did this guy have any strange markings on him?”

“Like tattoos,” Easton adds.

I nod. “He had them all over his neck.”

Foster swallows hard while Easton mutters, “Fucking hunters.”

Panic flares through me, and the ground ripples, jolting the car.

“Easy, Sky.” Foster reaches across the console and brushes his fingers along the back of my hand. “Nothing bad’s going to happen, okay?”

While it’s nice to be able to be comforted when my powers are going crazy, they look too worried for me to calm down.

I chew on my fingernail. “The guy who gave me the card … he’s a hunter?”

Foster gives a wavering nod, skimming his finger along the back of my hand again. “It sounds like it.”

“And hunters are the ones who captured your dad and tried to do experiments on him?” I ask, and Foster nods again. “But, why did this hunter approach me then?”

“I’m not sure.” Foster throws a glance at Max. “Can you figure out what’s on that card?”

Max turns the card over in his hand. “I think it has a see-the-truth spell on it.”

“What the hell is that?” I ask, twisting around in the seat to look at him.

“It’s basically a spell that can only be seen through if you want to see the truth.” He hands me back the card, and I hesitantly take it. “So, I think, if you focus on wanting to see the truth, a message will appear.”

I stare down at the card in my hand. “But, what truth am I even going to see?”

“The truth about whatever that hunter wanted you to see.” Max gives a considering pause. “I’m guessing it’s about us since he mentioned us.”

“Either that or he knows about her and was trying to set a trap to catch her,” Easton mutters from the back seat.

I swallow shakily. “But then, why didn’t he just take me?”

“Hunters are weak when it comes to powers,” Easton says. ?

??If you really wanted to, you could probably take down at least a dozen of them simply by calling out to the sky.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know that at the time he gave me the card,” I point out.

“Maybe he didn’t know that, though,” Easton says. “Of course, if you can see past the spell on that card, we might have the answer.”