“I can put ice on it myself.” I let a gradual exhale ease from my lips as he studies me way too intently. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” Foster questions, continuing to look at me the same way.

“Like … I don’t know.” I shrug. “Like you’re trying to kill me just by looking at me.”

Easton snorts, and Foster glares at him. But Easton disregards the dirty look, his gaze remaining fixed on me.

“You’ll have to excuse my brother,” he says with a haughty grin. “He’s a little out of practice.”

My brows pull together. “With what?”

Foster blasts him with another nasty look. “East, I swear to the gods, if you don’t shut up, I’m going to shove you in Max’s trunk.”

“The one in the attic?” I ask, recalling the locked trunk I stumbled across when I was up there.

Foster nods, eyeing me carefully. “You didn’t open it, did you?”

“I doubt she’d be here if she did,” Max tells him before I can reply. “And it’s locked anyway.”

Foster gives me a strange look. “Yeah, but she seems like the sort of girl who knows how to pick a lock.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“I don’t know. You just seem like you’re …” He shrugs.

“I think he was trying to compliment you, lightning eyes,” Easton says in an amused tone. “I’m not exactly sure how, though.”

Foster’s eyes shoot daggers at Easton. “You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”

“Oh, chill out. I’m just having some fun with the new bit of information we discovered earlier today,” Easton tells Foster with a smirk. “Honestly, I never thought I was going to get a chance to tease you about your flirting skills, since you’ve never used them.”

Foster pales, his eyes narrowing into slits, his arms hissing with blue sparks. “Shut up.”

“East.” A warning rings in Max’s tone. “I think you’d better lay off this for now.”

East’s gaze descends to the sparks on Foster’s arms, yet instead of looking worried, his smirk grows.

Foster lets out a low growl that sends a shiver rolling across my body, yet I have the strangest compulsion to reach out and brush my fingers along the sparks, to feel his power—

“There you are.” Gage moves up beside me and drapes an arm across my shoulders. “I was seriously starting to worry you got lost …” He trails off as he notes the three Everettson brothers then glances at me with his brow arched. “Why’re they here?”

“I wasn’t supposed to leave the house.” I cast a discreet glance in Foster’s direction and breathe in relief when I see that the sparks across his skin are no longer present.

The last thing I need is for Gage to see that and start asking questions. Then again, he might be so high I could probably convince him he’s seeing things.

“Really?” The idea seems to greatly puzzle him. “The new parentals are that strict?”

I shrug. “Apparently.”

Flicking a glance at the Everettson brothers, he leans in and whispers, “You want me to help you escape? We can go to my house and hang out there for a while.”

I have no idea how, but I can feel Foster’s gaze burning into me. Inside my chest, something sparks. The heat is a painful reminder of what I am. And as Grey starts to stir beside my feet, reality bitch-slaps me across the face.

“I actually think I better go back,” I mutter with a sigh.

Gage slants back with his brows furrowed. “Are you sure? Because I’m completely cool with ditching this party and going back to my house with you.”

He’s such a liar. Gage loves parties.