“I’m guessing you’ve never kissed anyone before,” Easton says, his gaze glittering with curiosity.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Fuck off.”

A grin spreads across his lips. “Damn, she’s getting feistier by the second. I like it.”

“Knock it off,” Foster snaps, tossing Easton an icy look.

I think about what I overheard in the living room, how an elemental enchanter can only be with another elemental enchanter. So, does he think we’re going to become a couple now? Because, yeah, no thank you.

“Screw you guys. I’m not going anywhere with you.” I whirl around to bolt back to the bedroom Gage is in, but two steps forward and arms circle

my waist.

“I’m sorry, but you don’t have a choice.” Foster pulls me against him.

“Leave me alone.” I fling my weight forward, my skin crackling with electricity either from my power or his—I can’t really tell.

“Not until you calm down and agree to go back with us,” he says, tightening his arms around me. “Stop being such a brat.”

“I’m the brat?” I laugh, the noise strained. “You’re the one who’s having a temper tantrum because you’re not a special little snowflake anymore.”

“That’s not what that was about,” he bites out, sounding pained.

“Sure it wasn’t.” Realizing I’m not going to be able to wiggle free on my own, I place my hand on his arm and try to channel the same power as when we touched in the living room.

His skin hisses, but that’s about it. Talk about anticlimactic.

“Go ahead and try it,” he breathes in my ear. “Now that I’ve felt your powers, I can control them—and my own—better.”

I grimace, moving my hand off his arm. “I don’t want to go back to you guys’ house. It’s not my house … and I …” Tears pool in my eyes, but I suck them back. “I just want my old life back. I didn’t ask for this.”

I loathe that I’m cracking apart in front of them, that I’m veering toward a meltdown, but I can’t seem to regain control over my emotions.

“I know it’s hard, and I understand you’re probably scared and don’t want this,” Foster says, his tone softening, “but the reality is that you are an elemental enchanter, and if the wrong creature finds out about you, you could wind up dead. Or worse.”

His words send a chill up my spine.

“What’s worse than death?” I ask, tilting my head back to meet his gaze.

“I hope you never have to find out.”

The worry in his tone makes me gulp.

Taking an unsteady breath, Foster releases me and steps back, but stays close. “Now, please get your stuff so we can take you home.”

Huh? Who would’ve thought he knew how to say please?

While I don’t want to go back to their house, his words have scared me enough that I’m going to listen.

I turn toward him, my gaze skimming across Max and Easton, who are surprisingly not looking at me but staring at Foster, with weird, curious expressions.

“Can I at least stay here until I’m sober?” I ask none of them in particular. “I have a feeling your parents aren’t going to be cool with me showing up like this.” I gesture at my face and somehow manage to smack myself in the eye. “Ow.”

Max smashes his lips together, but Easton doesn’t even try to conceal his laughter, and Foster sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.

“That wasn’t funny,” I say, but then I chuckle because it sort of was. I press the heel of my hand to my eye. “I have a feeling that’s going to hurt like a bitch in the morning.”

“We’ll put some ice on it tonight,” Foster says, the word we’ll making me cringe.