That asshole!

I move to knee him between the legs when a sharp zap nips across my skin.

Grey jerks back, his eyes wide, blue bolts of electricity crackling across his flesh.

“Holy shit,” he breathes out, reaching his sparking fingers toward his lips.

I expect him to freak out, but instead, he growls and moves to slam his lips against mine again. I lift my fist, preparing to punch him, when he flies back against the opposite wall.

At first, I think maybe my powers did it, but then I hear a voice. A very annoying voice.

“Haven’t you ever heard the term no means no?” Easton steps up beside Grey, crossing his arms and staring him down.

I blink a couple of times to be certain I’m seeing things correctly. Or maybe I’m hallucinating?

After a few more blinks, I realize that yes, Easton is here, along with Max and Foster. How they found me, I haven’t a clue, other than maybe one of them has tracking powers or something.

I jut out my lip, pouting over the fact that they’re here. Foster is so the last person I want to see right now.

Foster glances at my jutted-out lip then presses his together, as if he’s struggling not to smile. But then he quickly shakes his head, erasing the look.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice carefully controlled.

I don’t respond, looking at Max instead. “Why are you guys here? And how did you find me?”

“We’re here to get you. And we found you by tracking you …” Max’s brows knit. “Are you on something?”

I shake my head. “No …”

He frowns in disbelief. “Your eyes are really bloodshot.”

I waver. “I may be a little high, but it’s not a big deal.”

Foster inches toward me, his posture tense. “Do you realize how dangerous it is for you to be this out of it …” He trails off as he glances down at Grey, whose eyes are droopy and his shoulders are slumped.

He looks completely dazed, as if he has no idea where he is or who he is.

“What did you guys do to him?” I ask, assuming Grey’s suddenly incoherent state has to do with their powers.

“We’ll explain in the car.” Max reaches for my hand.

I step away from him. “I’m not going with you. I came here to take a break from … everything.”

Max sighs. “Sky, it’s not safe for you to be wandering around by yourself.”

“I’m not by myself. I have my friends,” I point out. “And even if I was by myself, I’ve spent years being on my own, and so far, I’ve been fine.”

Easton gives an insinuating look at Grey. “Clearly.”

“That’s not my fault,” I hiss. “One of you guys did that to him.”

“No, we didn’t.” Easton props his shoulder against the wall. “That was all you, lightning eyes.”

“No … there’s no way I did … that.” I gesture at Grey.

Easton looks at me with pity. “You kissed him, right?”

“No,” I say. When they silently stare me down, I add, “He tried to kiss me, and then … well, there were these sparks … But not the magical, that-was-an-awesome-kiss-that-rocked-my-world kind. It was really weird.”