My mind drifts back to when the guy had given me the card. He said the Everettsons weren’t who I thought they were. He also said to call him when I wanted to know the truth, yet there wasn’t anything on the card he gave me. Does he really know what the Everettsons are? Is he an elemental protector? Why single me out, though?

I recall how he noticed when my powers made the lights flicker.

Does he know what I am?

Crap, what if he does?

I need to look at the card again. Maybe I missed something the first time I glanced at it.

“I need to go get something out of my bag,” I mutter, rolling off the bed.

Gage lifts his head, blinking at me. “What?”

“Nothing. I’ll be right back.” I motion for him to stay put, which he obliges, lying back down and taking another hit.

I stumble out of the room, my vision a bit blurry and time feeling a bit off, as if I’m moving in slow motion.

“Sorry,” I apologize as I bump into someone. Then I hear an all-too-familiar laugh.

“Man, someone’s out of it,” Grey remarks, steadying me by the shoulders.

I sigh, so not in the mood to deal with him right now.

“Excuse me,” I tell him, trying to squeeze by him, but he sidesteps, blocking my way.

When I glare at him, the corners of his lips curve upward.

“What’re you doing here?” he asks. “I didn’t think you were much of a partier.”

His speculation is stupid because A). He doesn’t know me very well. B). I’m not a partier right now. Just a girl at a party. And C) …

I totally forgot where I was going with this.

Crap, I think I smoked too much.

“Can you please move out of my way?” I ask. “I need to go do something.”

Ignoring me, he nibbles on his bottom lip. “You asked me to a dance once, right? When we were, like, in seventh or eighth grade?”

“That was a long time ago,” I point out defensively. Although, if I weren’t high, I’d probably get flustered.

“And if I remember correctly, I turned you down.”

“Move out of my way,” I grit out through my teeth, my anger trying to surface, but the haziness inside me stifles it.

He ignores me. “You know what? I’m feeling pretty generous tonight, so how about we have that dance?”

“Gag me.” I don’t mean to say the words aloud. They just sort of fall from my mouth.

A slow grin curls at his lips. “So, the little weirdo likes kinky shit, huh?”

Before I can fully comprehend what he said, he has me backed up against the wall and pinned between his arms. His breath reeks of vodka as he leans in, his lips an inch away from mine.

I peer around the empty hallway and panic. Gage is nearby, though, so if I shout, he’ll probably come out here.

“Back off,” I warn, preparing to knee him in the balls. “Seriously, back the fuck—”

He crashes his lips against mine as he steals my first kiss.