“You don’t have mind-reading abilities, do you?” I ask while observing him closely.

His eyes crinkle around the corners as he chuckles. “No, but I can read people fairly well. You’re a bit more complicated, though, with that wall around you.” He sets the book down on the table and cracks his knuckles. “Hopefully, I can get it down so that can change.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure I want you to be able to read me clearly.” I anxiously eyeball his hands as flames spark from his fingertips.

“Don’t worry; I can teach you how to block out elemental protectors, like me, who possess the gift of seeing. But we do need to get that wall down so we can see what’s hidden behind it, okay?”

I nod, but my stomach ravels in knots. “Okay.”

“Good. Now, I need you to hold still, and if at any time you feel like my powers are burning you, let me know, okay?” He waits for me to nod then glances down at the opened book. He skims over a page before looking at me again. Then he moves his hands toward my wrists. “Remember, let me know if it burns,” he says as he brushes his fingertips over my skin, causing sparkly warmth to tingle up my arms and swim through my veins.

He examines my expression closely. “Feel anything?”

“It feels sparkly, but I’ve felt like this before when you touched me.”

“Good. That’s good.” Sucking in a breath, he lays his palms on my arms.

The warmth intensifies, but not in a painful way. In fact, it feels good. Really, really good.

“Does it still feel sparkly?” he asks, and I nod, fighting the urge to close my eyes. “If it doesn’t burn, then you for sure have elemental powers. But I still can’t tell for sure.”

“The wall’s still up?”

“Yeah …” He glances at the book again. “We might need more energy.”

“More than what’s pouring through my body now?” I choke out.

His gaze darts to mine, and then he hastily withdraws his hands from my arms. “Was I hurting you?”

“No, but it’s …” Fucking weird and kind of wonderful. Yeah, I’m not about to say that aloud. “Intense … But not in a bad way.”

He hesitantly places his palms back on my arms. “I have an idea, but we need my brothers here for it. Especially Foster, since he has the most power.”

“What sort of idea?” Apprehension drips into my tone.

He doesn’t get the chance to answer since the rest of the Everettson brothers come barreling through the portal.

Porter is the first to materialize, with Hunter right behind him. Then Max is next, Easton is second to last, with Foster hanging out near the back, appearing as irritated as he was the last time I saw him.

Porter takes one look at Holden and me sitting with our knees touching, Holden’s hands on my arms, and his brow cocks up. “What’d we miss?”

Holden releases my arms and rises to his feet. “Mom and Dad didn’t fill you in?”

Porter shakes his head, his gaze bouncing between Holden and me. “They just told us there was an emergency and we needed to get back to the house. That you and Sky would be here and could fill us in on everything.”

All five of them glance between Holden and me.

Holden glances at me, and I shrug. “You know what’s going on better than I do,” I point out. “Honestly, I feel completely fucking lost.”

“I know … I was just …” Holden glances worriedly in Foster’s direction then looks back at me. “I’m trying to figure out the best way to break the news to everyone.”

Great, I have a feeling he thinks Foster is going to be upset that I might have the same powers as him.

“Come on, brother; just spit it out.” Hunter motions for Holden to get a move on while plopping down on the sofa. “I’m sure whatever it is can’t be that bad.”

Again, Holden sneaks a glance at Foster.

Foster notices this time, and his brows furrow. “What’s up? Why do you keep looking at me like that?”