The crease between his brows deepens. “Sky, can you hear me?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

He surveys me over. “Can you not talk about something?” When I say nothing, he nibbles on his bottom lip. “If you think you have some sort of powers, nod your head.”

I attempt to do just that, but my head won’t budge. Frustrated, I ball my hands into fists. The movement captures his attention.

“You can’t talk about it, can you?” he asks, frowning.

“I … Why … can’t I?” I manage to strain out.

“I’m not sure.” He taps his finger against his lips. “There’ve been a couple of instances when elemental protectors had spells cast on them to keep their identity and powers hidden. Usually, though, it’s because they did something illegal and wanted to hide from the council. I know my grandparents did it once when they were younger, but that was to conceal that they were elemental enchanters …” His eyes abruptly widen. Then his gaze travels across all the orbs of light whirling around me in a colorful stream. “Oh fuck.” He snatches ahold of my hand and drags me back in the direction we just came from.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I stumble after him.

He doesn’t answer, taking longer strides, and I damn near eat dirt as I struggle to keep up with him. Finally, he scoops me up in his arms, and then we’re moving so fast that the sky, trees, and light around us become nothing but blurs of colors.

Before I know it, we’re back on the podium. Emaline and Gabe are still there but look as if they were about to leave.

“What’s wrong?” Gabe asks immediately as Holden rushes up with me in his arms.

“All the essences are drawn to her,” Holden hisses. “I think she might be an elemental enchanter.”

Hearing him say the words aloud causes adrenaline to soar through me.

“What?” they simultaneously say, their eyes bulging as they gape at me.

“And she can’t talk about it,” Holden adds, “which means someone went through an awful lot of trouble to keep her powers a secret.”

“But,” Emaline sputters, “it can’t be possible. Her parents are human.”

“Unless they’re not her real parents,” Gabe states, avoiding my gaze.

Wait. What?

“Th-They’re my parents,” I sputter. “I know they are.”

His eyes convey pity. “I know you’ve been through a lot lately, and this is probably the last thing you want to deal with, but humans can’t have children with elemental powers. It’s just not possible. And an elemental enchanter …” He shakes his head. “They almost always come from a line of very powerful elemental protectors.”

“Maybe my parents had powers and you just didn’t know it?” I say. “I mean, no one knows about me … Well, until now.”

Gabe and Emaline exchange an unreadable look, then Gabe cautiously says, “Maybe.” But I can tell he doesn’t believe it.

My heart sinks in my chest. What if what they’re saying is true? What if my entire life has been a lie?

“We need to get her out of here.” Holden says with urgency.

“Why? Foster’s here, and he’s one, so …” I’m so lost.

“It was odd enough that headquarters requested you come with us today,” Holden tells me cautiously.

“Which means if someone knows what she is, this could be a setup.” Gabe shakes his head with his jaw set tight. “I should’ve suspected it the moment I got the message.”

Emaline places her hand on his arm. “Honey, you couldn’t have known. None of us suspected she had powers.”

“All the extra storms make sense now.” Holden stares down at me with the strangest look on his face.

I become hyperaware he’s still carrying me. “You can put me down if you want.”