“How could I forget something traumatic?” I point out. “Those types of things usually stick with you.”

“Not necessarily.” He contemplates something before stepping back and launching himself over the edge of the podium, landing gracefully in the grass.

I glance between Max and Holden, who are looking at me with a hint of perplexity. “So, if Hunter can see this invisible wall around me, then I’m assuming you guys have some sort of powers not related to your elements.”

Max and Holden trade a look then chuckle.

Heat creeps across my cheeks. Are they making fun of me?

“Don’t worry; we’re not making fun of you,” Max says, as if reading my mind. “We’ve just never been around a human who knows about our world, so we didn’t realize how entertaining these sorts of questions could be.” He tugs on a strand of my hair. “Don’t worry; we think it’s cute.”

“And to answer your question,” Holden says. “Yes, we do have powers that aren’t related to our elements. We actually have a lot of different powers.”

“Like what?” I cross my fingers, hoping they can’t actually read minds. Although, there have been a couple of times when I wondered that, so …

Shit. What if they can?

“Like being able to create portals.” Holden hitches his thumb at the rainbow portal.

“Or like being extremely graceful and strong.” To prove his point, Max picks me up and leaps off the edge of the podium before I can even take my next breath.

I barely feel the impact as he lands weightlessly in the grass.

“Wow,” I breathe out, clutching the front of his shirt.

Grinning, he lowers my feet to the ground. “And there’s plenty more where that came from.” He spins on his heels and starts across the field in the direction Easton, Foster, and Hunter took off in, light orbs twirling around him.

I start to follow him when Holden drops down beside me.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

I nod, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“Because this—this world, our powers—it can be a lot to take in.”

“I’m fine,” I assure him. But, am I? I’m not sure I know the answer to that.

Offering me a small smile, he entwines his fingers through mine and pulls me with him as he starts across the field. “My brothers and I haven’t ever been around a human who knows about our powers, so I’m guessing there’s going to be a lot of showing off.” The orbs of light magnetize toward him, but he doesn’t seem to notice, his gaze welded to mine. “If you get uncomfortable at any time, just say so, okay? Don’t let them do things to you that make you uncomfortable.”

Worry crawls through me. Just what sort of things does he think they’re going to do to me?

“They’d never hurt you,” he promises, as if sensing my dread. “That I can promise you.”

I hate to ask, but I need to know. “Does that statement apply to Foster, too?”

He nods with zero hesitation. “Foster is complicated, but he’d never hurt you. In fact, I think if he could, he’d like you.”

“You make it

sound like he has to hate me.”

“He doesn’t have to, but it’s probably for the better. It always is.” He doesn’t elaborate, leaving me to wonder what he meant.

Leaving me to wonder a lot of things.

Chapter 14

“So, what exactly is this place called?” I ask after a few minutes of silence have drifted by between Holden and me.