“I highly doubt that.” The lightness in my voice is a bit unfamiliar, but talking to Max is surprisingly easy. “I have a feeling you have that twinkle in your eyes a lot.”

“And I have a feeling you’re going to be a very amusing addition to this household.” He pushes back from the counter as the microwave beeps. “For the record, though, you’re right. I don’t just sit around and do nothing.” He removes the plate from the microwave and sets it down in front of me, along with a fork. “I have a job.”

I twirl the noodles around my fork. “What do you do?”

“Hmm …” He leans back against the counter behind him and rubs his jawline. “I think I won’t tell you yet.”

“Why?” A teasing grin touches my lips. “Are you, like, a secret agent or something?” I’m only kidding, but when he doesn’t answer right away, I have to wonder. “Wait. Are you?”

He shakes his head, strands of his hair falling into his eyes. “Nah, I’m way too rebellious to work for the police. Not to mention, I’d get bored.”

I’m about to point out that a secret agent doesn’t seem like a boring job when a loud shriek echoes across the house. Max’s body immediately stiffens.

“Stay right here, okay?” he says as he hurries toward the door.

“Why? What was that?” I hiss, clutching my fork.

“Just stay here.” He rushes out of the room, the door swinging shut behind him.

As another shriek ripples through the air, I retrieve my phone from my pocket and tap open the group message.

Me: Okay, shit’s getting crazy here. Now I hear screaming! And Max, one of the guys who lives here, just told me to stay in the kitchen, then ran out in the direction of the screaming.

Gage: Holy shit, dude. Maybe you should, I don’t know, like leave or something.

Nina: Or call the effing police! What the hell? First eyeballs in the fridge and then screaming?

Me: I also overheard them whispering about how they’re worried I’ll find out their secrets. This family is weird. I mean, the mom and dad seem nice, and Max is okay, but Porter seemed weird, and Foster and Easton are asshats. They made me think the attic was my room!

Nina: Jerks. I knew they were gonna be like that, though. They’re totally Greys.

Me: Yeah, I think so, too. Man, guys, this sucks. I already miss home, and it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours yet.

Nina: We miss you, too, and we’re really worried.

Gage: Has the screaming stopped yet? Do you know what it was?

I glance up, realizing the house is silent now. Eerily silent, as if no one lives here.

Me: Yeah, it stopped. I’m still not even sure what it was, though.

Gage: Makes me really wonder what kind of eyeballs those are in the fridge.

Nina: Gage, why would you say that! She’s already freaking out!

Me: I’m not freaking out. I’m just … uneasy. Maybe I’m being paranoid, though.

Nina: No fucking way. If I found eyeballs in the fridge and heard screaming, I’d have bolted by now.

Me: Oh, trust me, I want to.

“Hey.” Emaline pops her head into the room, smiles at me, and then walks all the way in.

Me: Gotta go. Someone just walked in. TTYL.

Nina: You better. Seriously, I’m worried.

Gage: Please be careful …