He wiped a hand down his face. Now, if only he could find the courage to bring it to pass.


In the grove of trees just past the edge of town, William clutched the pistol he’d hidden beneath his greatcoat, training his vision on the road ten yards from his position in the wood. The chilled breeze bit William’s cheeks. He exhaled a pluming breath that curled white in the air. It went against everything he knew, waiting for Warren in such a place. Far too exposed, within hearing of the townspeople should a brawl ensue. Which it might. Nay, mostly likely would.

He released his hold on the gun and tapped his hand against his leg, the only outlet he allowed for the blistering anxiety that shot like jolts of lightning through his limbs. What if Paul had intercepted the note and came in place of Warren? What if he didn’t come alone? Like a wise reprimand, Thomas’s admonition to allow him and Nathaniel to help bring down the enemy slapped. But, like a stubborn adolescent, William pretended not to feel the sting. Putting them at risk was unthinkable. He would end it. Alone.

His heart wrenched. Alone. Anna must leave. Telling her now would make her wish to stay and vouch for him, perhaps even fight beside him, and never would he allow that. A ripple of questions lapped against his resolve. Was trusting in Warren—

You are trusting in Me. That is all you need know.

William gripped the bark of the tree beside him, lowering his chin but not his eyes. Aye. He could trust God, he could follow the darkened path, knowing Providence would illuminate all in time.

“Who are you and what is your business with me?”

William whirled, his hand instantly on his weapon.


The man’s face rounded in recognition then crashed into rage. “What have you done with her?” He pulled a club from his side and

charged forward. “Tell me where she is!”

William dodged the in-coming blow and reared sideways, locking his grip around Warren’s wrist. In a swift, singular motion he lunged and pressed Warren’s back into the trunk of the nearest tree.

“Quiet.” He gripped Warren’s neckcloth, impressed with the dauntless will that blazed in the man’s eyes. “You have come alone?”

“As you see.” Warren snarled, this time his volume low, but the hate roaring. “What have you done with her?”

Stepping back, William softened his grip, then released his hand but kept his vision locked with Warren’s. “I have married her.” The truth he’d not intended to speak sprung from his lips like a captive yearning for freedom.

Silence killed the air between them. Diving to a deep V, Warren’s brow carried the weight of a thousand pains. He stared, his expression growing harder and more dark with every rise and fall of his chest. “Where is she?”

William blinked, then glanced behind, both to show direction and to ease his mind that Paul was not waiting in the shadows. He inhaled deeper when only the trees answered his gaze. “She is here.”

The man straightened. “Here?”

“In Sandwich.”

Warren laughed, a bitter undertone to his words. “So. You have had your fun with her and now wish to dispose of her to me? I see how it is.” He stepped forward, fists curled. “You want money. You think I will give you the promised reward—”

“I love her.”

Like a blade, the truth slashed through the air, slaying the vulgar accusation. Warren halted, his mouth agape. “You lie.”

“I do not.” William’s own fists clenched. “I am sure you cannot conceive of how such can be true, but I give you my word that I love Anna more than my own life.” He swallowed the rise of feeling that soared from within. “I cannot explain why I have come to you when I know my wife’s fear of discovery—she is terrified of you.” Pausing, he strained to decipher the code of thoughts that flashed through Warren’s eyes. “But I seek your aid, and despite my misgivings, I feel in my heart that you are the one I must trust with her care.”

Not a single muscle twitched, but those on Warren’s face. His eyes trailed downward and the tension in his mouth relaxed, replaced by a tender question. “She fears me?”

“You tried to take her against her will—to place a gag at her mouth—”

“I feared if she were heard then she would be taken. If she were I could not protect her, which is precisely what happened.”

“Anna claims you were hired by her father to take her back to England.”

At this, Warren raised his head and straightened, the motion pulling him nearly as tall as William. His voice was broad and sturdy. “I was hired by a man named Rush Martin, aye. But he is not her father. I am.”

“I do not believe you.” William stepped forward, speaking through his teeth. “My wife has disclosed everything to me. If you were her father I would know it.”