Turning, she jumped at William’s closeness. Had he been reading over her shoulder? Or had he simply wished to be close to her? She scolded herself for the last thought. But it couldn’t be helped. The musky scent of him, the way he stared down, his eyes trailing her face, made every bit of her attention converge on him.

“I knew they’d been by,” he said, stepping back and moving to the other side of the bed, “but I hadn’t known they’d left a wedding gift.” He sat and began removing his boots. “You will never find more genuine people.”

Anna retreated a step, resting the note beside the candle. “I must agree I have never met people as kind as they.”

He stood and removed his jacket and waistcoat, retiring them to the top drawer of the dresser. Anna’s face heated at the sight of his muscles so visible under his shirt. The past nights he’d slept in shirt and breeches, for her comfort, she surmised. Would he allow himself more ease now?

Pulling back the quilt and sheet, he paused. “Would you like help with your stays?”

The question socked the wind from her lungs. He gazed at her from across the room, his expression so unaffected he could easily have asked if she would blow out the candle. Though it had nearly made sleep impossible, she’d refused the urge to remove them since their wedding—excepting the times she’d washed—to keep her curves well reserved.

She licked her lips and tried to find the strength to loose her tongue from the top of her mouth so she could respond. “Nay, I thank you. I can manage.”

William nodded and lowered to his knees beside the bed. Anna froze. Was he praying? She dared not move while he clasped his fingers and closed his eyes. After what seemed like a quarter of an hour, but in truth must have been only a minute or more, he rose and crawled into bed.

He rested his head on the pillow and offered her a wayward grin. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

With that he turned aside and Anna’s lungs began to take in a bit more air, but still only a thread. Why did his nearness do such curious things to her?

She rested her bag on the writing table and began to unfasten her bodice and petticoat, careful not to make a sound. Ears strained, Anna struggled to hear whether William’s breathing had grown soft and deep as in the nights past, indicating he slept. Aye, there it was, that slow in and out.

Fussing with the stays, she craned her arms behind her and found the knot, untying with ease and pulling the lace through the first few holes. Eliza must have pulled them extra tight that morning. A quiet groan escaped her throat before she could stop it and she held her breath, turning to glance at the bed. Thank heaven. He still slept.

She rubbed her cramping shoulders before reaching back and trying again. The last few laces at the top eluded her, laughing, it seemed, with every failed attempt to loosen them. A light perspiration started on her brow, both from exertion and fear that he’d somehow awaken and come to

her aid. But her heart betrayed her.

That is what you would like, is it not? She bantered back with a huff. Not in the least.

“Stuck are you?”

A high-pitched laugh popped from Anna’s throat and her muscles seized. She glanced over her shoulder, her arms still wrenched behind her. She did her best to strangle the distress in her voice. “I’ve nearly got it.”

A knowing half-smile bloomed on his face as he peeled back the quilt and rose from the bed. “Here, let me help you.”

Her skin burned even before he stood behind her. And when he did, his nearness turned her blood to fire. Thank heaven for her linen chemise, so she needn’t feel completely exposed. For even though her skin was mostly covered, she had never felt more bare.

A spray of gooseflesh covered her skin when his calloused fingers brushed the tender place between her shoulder blades. Her lungs started again, working so hard she knew he could hear. She commanded them to calm. They refused.

“How do I…?” William paused and she peered behind to see his hands hovering just over the laces she couldn’t reach. He released a light laugh. “Is there a proper way to do it?”

A smile twitched at her lips. He was nervous? The notion eased her own anxieties whether or not ’twas true.

She forced a calm depth to her voice. “There is no proper way. However you do it will be fine.”

He cleared his throat and once again she felt his fingers on her skin. “Simple enough.”

Anna trained her vision on the candle’s yellow flame and forced her pulse to ease.

“There,” he said, stepping back, his low resonating tone circling her like silken ribbon. “I hope that’s helpful.”

She pressed the loosened garment to her chest and turned to speak over her shoulder. “Thank you.”

He nodded and moved again to the bed, never once looking back as he at last retired.

Anna sat on the edge of the bed, soothing her frantic breath as one would a frightened child. She only needed a few moments. Once he slept she could easily crawl under the sheets and…

And what? Sleep beside him? She clamped her teeth to keep back the laugh that crowded in her throat.