“I will be fine.” Anna reached for his face, brushing her fingers against the few faded scars on his jaw. “If our child is a girl, I shall name her Louisa, after your mother.” His eyes misted and he swallowed, urging the lump in Anna’s throat to swell. “If we are given a boy…” She inhaled and raised her face, gripping Henry’s biceps. “I shall name him William.”

Henry’s eyes rimmed with red and he tugged her to him again, pressing her head against his chest and whispering into her hair. “I love you.”

Holding to him, Anna gripped fistfuls of his coat at his back. “I shall always love you, Henry.”

“Henry, we must away.”

Thomas’s voice pierced the frosted air and Henry nodded. “I am coming.”

No! Lord, help me be brave.

Henry eased Anna away, grinning as he reached for his pocket. “I have something for you.”


He took her hand and opened her fingers, resting a ring in her palm. Anna flung a look to him, gratitude and joy nudging back the weight of sorrow. “’Tis lovely—nay, ’tis more than lovely. ’Tis perfect.”

“I know you have your mother’s, but…” Smiling, his gaze lingered on the ring then rose to her face. “When I learned I would be leaving—”

“Come, Henry. No more dawdling.” Anna looked to the source of the voice and found Nathaniel with his arms around Kitty, his face not carrying a hint of the jest that played in his voice to cut the sadness that stretched between them, no doubt. “I fear if we stay too much longer we shall not leave at all.”

“I am ready.”

Give me strength.

Anna rested against him and he tugged her close as they walked to the others. He faced her one last time, speaking low and gazing at her as if he could buoy her faltering strength with his faith alone. “I shall think of you always. I shall pray for you, just as I shall need your prayers.”

“I shall pray for you with every breath.” Smiling with more sincerity than she knew she carried, Anna reached to hold his face. “Kitty told me you once said that there will come a time when we will be called upon to act in defense of the cause we believe in. That time has come, and we were made for it.” She rose to kiss him again, wrapping her arms firm around him, then stepped back, pressing the ring to her chest. “This shall hover over my heart while you are gone, and I shall put it on my finger in place of my mother’s only when you return to me.”

His mouth tightened, his gaze straining, it seemed, for one more touch. “I love you.”

Lord, help me. She nodded, holding a strong smile on her mouth to fight the quivering of her chin. “I shall see you again, Henry. Promise me.”

The low baritone of his voice wavered ever so slight. “I promise.” After a quick smile he stepped to his horse.

A melody of heavy farewells played through the group as the women found comfort beside each other, while the men they loved mounted, preparing at last to leave them.

Though there were others beside her, though there were trees and sunshine and cold winter air, Anna could see and feel nothing but the last look that reached from Henry’s eyes to embrace her, before finally he turned and kicked his horse to a gallop.

He was gone. All three men, so noble and good, had left them. And so they should, Anna reminded herself.

Eliza turned first, her cheeks stained with streaks of tears. “I am honored to have them go. I would have nothing less.” She released a wobbled breath. “Do not think my tears mean I believe they should stay.”

“I do not,” Anna said first. She placed a hand at Eliza’s back. “As I told Kitty, we shall strengthen each other.”

“Aye, we shall.” Kitty took Eliza’s arm and motioned to the house. “Come, let us find the warmth of the fire. I believe the bread I prepared should be ready now.”

Anna paused and Eliza took her hand. “You are coming, Anna?”

“Aye, I thank you.” She peered toward the road where the men had gone. “Forgive me, I beg a moment alone.”

Both women nodded and started for the house.

Praying, Anna closed her eyes, painting in her mind a vision of days yet to come—Henry riding back just as he had rode away, whole and strong, with Thomas and Nathaniel riding beside him. They would tell of their victory and how freedom was theirs, just as they’d hoped, and sacrificed and prayed. She squinted her eyes tighter and bowed her head, pressing her fists to her mouth. Lord, protect them. Carry them home, I pray thee. Grant them victory and carry them home.

Blinking her eyes open, Anna exhaled and turned toward the house when the feel of the gold circle in her grasp halted her steps. She released the protective fist around the ring Henry had given her. Oh, how I love you, my dear Henry. Lifting it to the light, she turned the precious gift in her fingers and gasped in reverent surprise, her eyes misting, as she read the engraving etched in scrolling letters.