Covering his mouth, William let out a muffled growl. But would she even want him when his past was revealed? Would he even live past tomorrow’s battle?


He turned at the sound of Anna’s ethereal voice, breathless as she floated across the small room to stand before him. Combing her with his eyes, William swallowed, attempting to moisten his parched throat.

“I began to worry over you.” His words came out even, a remarkable feat, considering how his pulse raced with the sudden need for her.

“You did?” She lowered her lashes then raised them again, her crystal blue eyes baiting him closer.

Had he not seen this pink gown before? He traced her with his gaze. Perfection. The alluring color enhanced the subtle shade of her cheeks and complimented the ivory color of her skin, tempting him to touch. Her raven hair curled and stacked atop her head, waist impossibly small, breasts pressed and mounded from her stays. He cleared his throat and reminded himself of the need to take in air.

She neared, a kind of whimsical smile on her full lips as she lifted a string of pearls toward him. “Will you assist me?”

He cleared his throat. “Aye, certainly.”

She neared, stopping only inches from him and tickled her fingers against his as she rested the necklace in his hand. “Kitty is letting me borrow these. Are they not lovely?” She turned, a soft lavender scent wafting from her hair.

After a second clearing of his throat, he reached around, securing the article, desperate that his fingers not brush against her skin. Another drifting scent lured him closer and he ignored the previous warning, allowing his thumb to caress her neck as he rested the fastened string along her back. Her shoulders adjusted and she raised her head then looked behind.

“Thank you,” she cooed. “I must take the lamb. It should be ready.” She looked to the clock and gasped. “Oh, heavens, we’re late!”

She rushed to the fire and lowered to retrieve the cast iron, but William followed and halted her with a hand on her shoulder.

“Let me carry it.” He winked. “Wouldn’t want to spoil your lovely gown.”

Straightening, her features went soft. “You think it is lovely?”

Did she not know?

He traced her once more, his insides whirling. “Of course I do. Pink is my favorite color.”

“Is it?” She neared, a coy tilt to her smile.

“Aye.” His pulse thumped as he took another sweeping glance of his wife. “My sister Julia loved pink, and…I learned to love it because of her.”

Anna’s full lips rounded into a smile that caressed his heart. “You have spoken little of your family.” She neared. “I should like to know more of them. For I believe…by knowing more of them, I will know more of you.”

I would tell you everything. If only I could.

He cleared his throat. “Should we not be going?”

That flirtatious grin returned. “Aye, we should, but your shirt…” Reaching for his collar, she tugged and straightened. “I have not seen you wear this before tonight. ’Tis a handsome waistcoat and jacket.” Another step closer and she combed her fingers through the side of his hair, her fingers lingering behind his ear, her eyes on his mouth. His pulse doubled.

Her gaze lifted to marry his as her hand trailed down his shoulders and rested on his chest, her voice low and beguiling. “How handsome you are.”

Have mercy. He tried to breathe. What was she doing? Whatever it was, he liked it, despite the danger that lurked behind the unopened doors. The need for her clawed at him. And from the way she toyed with him, he knew she must desire him as well.

With a smile she stepped away, removing her hands from their perch on his chest, leaving an empty spot both without and within. The urge to pull her back and test the texture of her skin with his lips consumed him and he reached for her, but she whirled away, a playful spark in her gaze.

“We must leave or we shall be even later than we already are.”

Hang the party. He would much rather stay and experiment on the desires that roared inside him.

She walked to the door and took both of their cloaks, extending his toward him. “Come now, we must hurry. Here is your cloak. Will you take the lamb?”

Snatching a towel from the table he grabbed the handle of the pot and stopped in front of her, failing to keep his mind or his eyes away from her. “Shall we?”

“One moment.” She reached around him, lifting on the tips of her toes to put the cloak around his shoulders, her chest brushing up against his.