Kitty’s jaw dropped and indignation slammed through her. The man had gone daft! How dare he make eyes at her, then talk as if they were “friends” and then act as if he had some right to information she’d never told a living soul.

“That is not a simple question, Nathaniel Smith.”

“I don’t see why not.” The roundness of his eyes and the infuriating way he lifted and lowered his shoulders—as if he had no earthly idea why she might be upset—nearly pulled a growl from her throat. He stared at her. “All I need is a simple answer.”

The gall! “No!”

“You don’t love him?”

“No, I—Oh!” The growl finally surfaced with an accompanying stomp, but it did little to abate the anger that bellowed.

Nathaniel bit his cheek as he tried to hold back the grin that inched across his mouth. The nerve of him! “No, I won’t be telling you anything!”

“I believe you just did.” Nathaniel’s eyes lit and he tilted his head just slightly, as if she’d reacted exactly the way he’d wanted.

Kitty grit her teeth, wishing she could breathe fire and singe that over-satisfied grin off his face. “You can think what you like, Doctor, but I will tell you one thing, Mr. Higley has far better etiquette than to ever ask anything of such a personal nature.”

He chuckled, his eyes never leaving her. “You are so enchanting when you’re upset.”

“Enchanting?” How dare he laugh at her! How dare he toy with her feelings in such an insidious way? He was no stranger to women. Was he really just playing with her, or did he simply see her as a friend—nay, a sister—that he could tease

and torment?

She pinched her lips and put her chin in the air, still fuming at the way he refused to stop grinning. “Remind me to let Caroline come with you next time you care for a walk. I find I don’t enjoy being alone with you.”

Glaring daggers, Kitty spun around and started toward the road, but she didn’t make it two steps before Nathaniel grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, pressing his mouth against hers.

With a quick yelp Kitty tried to push him away, but his hands wound around her back, his lips both gentle and possessive as he tempted her own lips to open. She collapsed into his embrace and shed the remaining anger, no longer able to contain the desire she’d struggled so long to ignore.

She pressed against him and wrapped her arms around his neck as she lifted on her toes, relishing in the way his soft, moist lips molded against hers. The sound of his ragged breathing, the scent of his apple-tart breath, the feel of his strong hands, all imprinted on her mind—and on her heart. Kitty Campbell would never be the same.

He spoke to her between kisses. “I don’t think you love him.” His warm hands brushed up her back before becoming lost in her curls.

“I know I do not.” She clutched the soft, thick hair at his neck, savoring how his nose brushed against her cheek.

Nathaniel descended again, devouring her mouth with an intensity that stole Kitty’s reason. She clutched him harder, sliding her hands down his muscular arms and resting them on his chest, allowing a tiny moan to escape her throat.

A small voice echoed in the far-away corner of her mind. She should stop. They weren’t married. Weren’t even courting. This would be scandalous should they be discovered. Only a moment longer. She had plenty of time before she needed to...

Gasping, Kitty shoved Nathaniel away, her eyes suddenly burning as she covered her mouth. She stared at him, her chest pumping as horror filled her lungs. What time was it? Oh dear Lord, what have I done?

Kitty tried to step away, but Nathaniel’s firm grip held her arm. Lips still glistening from their kiss, his features drooped with worry and he tried to pull her back.

His words came fast and frayed with regret. “Kitty, don’t go. Please forgive me, I should never have—”

“Nay!” Wrenching from his grasp, Kitty stumbled back, her body trembling. “I... I can’t... I have to go.”

Pulling every measure of strength remaining, Kitty dashed toward the street, flinging tears from her eyes as she ran.

“Kitty, wait!” Nathaniel’s plea traveled behind her, but no footsteps followed.

If she raced faster, perhaps she could get there in time. Lord, please! She’d never been late before. What would Cyprian do?

Charging down the road, Kitty prayed.

Perhaps there was hope.

There had to be hope...