“Is that so?” Nathaniel gripped tighter to her arm and nudged her backward, increasing the distance from Cyprian. “Remarkable how I find that hard to believe. We bid you good day.”

“Tell him, Miss Campbell.” Cyprian’s gravelly tone stopped them like a fallen tree.

Tugging her to a halt, Nathaniel stood partially in front of her, shielding Kitty from their evil opponent. Every second that passed drained more blood from her head as she feigned ignorance. “Tell him what, Mr. Wythe?”

Cyprian motioned to Nathaniel. “Tell the good doctor how you’ve been delivering those baskets to the needy.”

A foreign emotion, hot and ugly surged in Kitty’s chest. Hatred, pure and seething. Clenching her teeth to keep from breathing fire, she only nodded in agreement.

“Is this true?” Nathaniel questioned.

She couldn’t move her tongue, couldn’t bring her lips to form the words. Finally, she produced a quiet aye, and stepped backward. “If you gentlemen will excuse me.”

“Don’t let me detain you another moment.” Cyprian tipped his hat, backing away. “’Twas good to see you Miss Campbell, and I do thank you for your continued service. We Tories must remain united.”

With that, he spun on his heel and marched toward town, tugging away the remains of Kitty’s courage as he left.

Nathaniel’s jaw slackened and he turned to her, a thousand questions flickering across his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“Why are you working for him, Kitty?” His expression crunched and he jerked back. “There’s plenty of good that can be done without aligning yourself with such a man.”

Tears threatened and her voice quivered. “He... I...” She folded her arms across her chest and looked away. Kitty swallowed the pain in her throat. “I fear I can produce no satisfying answer.”

He stared, motionless as if straining to assess what truths evaded him. “You don’t have to answer.” Then with a sudden shift of mood his voice brightened. “I’d love to assist you on these deliveries, Kitty. I didn’t know a family lived in those woods and I attempt to acquaint myself with everyone in town should they ever be in need of a physician. Besides, I really don’t like the idea of you doing that alone. Not after the attack you suffered.”

Assist her? Kitty’s neck cramped until she almost couldn’t breath. “Nay, ‘tis fine really. I’ll be fine—everything is fine... But thank you.” She stepped back, masking her surging fear with a small, tight grin. “I best be going.”

Nathaniel didn’t remove his gaze, only blinked with ever deepening lines between his eyes. He nodded, his voice deep and smooth like a calming river. “You’re a good woman, Kitty.” No hint of mocking. Only a sincerity in his tone that threatened to jerk the unshed tears from her eyes.

If only you knew...

Chapter Ten

Nathaniel exhaled a long, low breath as he watched Kitty walk toward home. Her attempt to make him believe she was “well” would have made him chuckle if not for the shadow that hovered over her. No, “well” would not describe her in the least. Her abrupt good-bye and the tears she battled to hide made his muscles twitch with the desire to pursue her and unearth the buried truth once and for all. Teeth clenched, Nathaniel turned in the direction Cyprian had walked as fresh disgust rose within. Perhaps Cyprian was the one who had attacked her the night of the party. Nathaniel tapped the bag against his leg and snarled. Many a time he’d come close to questioning her again, but Thomas’s caution kept his eagerness in check.

Rubbing his thumb against the handle in his grasp he vowed that next time—next time he would find a way to confront her, for this secret she carried needed bearing before that persistent shadow turned to ever-present blackness.

“Nathaniel, I’m so glad I found you.”

Nathaniel spun around just as Joseph Wythe ran toward him, his face red and his breathing labored. “You must come quickly.”

Muscles suddenly taut and awareness sharp, Nathaniel scanned him for signs of injury. “What’s happened? Is someone hurt?” Nathaniel knew Joseph well enough to recognize the hard set of his jaw, indicating the news of something severe would soon meet his ears.

“Nay, no one is hurt.” Joseph stood erect and stared in the direction he’d come. His face contorted. “’Tis almost worse.”

“Worse?” Irritation exploded and Nathaniel grabbed his arm. “What is it, man? Get it out!”

He met Nathaniel’s frustration with red-faced anger. “Our powder is dwindling.”

The impact of Joseph’s words blasted into Nathaniel’s chest like a musket ball, socking the air from his lungs.

“What?” Nathaniel shot down the road with Joseph beside him. He raced around the pond and across the small clearing, stopping before he stomped into the small stone building. Thomas and several others were already inside, shuffling back and forth and speaking in hushed voices.

The whisperings stopped and all eyes turned to him. Nathaniel marched forward, commanding attention. “Well? Enlighten me.”

Billy Curry and Roger both turned to Thomas, apparently waiting on him to disclose what they’d discovered.