He almost regretted taking his jesting so far when her chin popped up and her dainty brows pinched low. “Nathaniel, I...” She started to protest, then humphed back in her seat with the most delightful twist on her lips.

Nathaniel erupted in laughter while Kitty’s pert mouth curved sideways into a smile that stroked his masculine pride.

He sighed, calming his jubilant nature. “Think nothing of it, Kitty. There is very little damage done.”

He finished wrapping her hand, and almost released her fingers. Almost. They were so delicate and soft, he wanted to memorize the feel of her hand upon his should such a moment never again present itself. Reluctantly, he let go and brushed his palms against his knees in an effort to sweep away the disarming sensation of her touch.

Kitty kept her mouth tight. “I promise to find a way to replace what I have damaged, Nathaniel. I remember how my father treasured his own books and how often he referred to them.” Her gaze trailed toward the study as a wistful look brightened her eyes. She rubbed at her bandaged hand. “I would sit by Father’s side for hours on end as he made notes in his journal and told me about the patients he’d seen, and...” Her voice faded and she looked at him with a wistful smile. “I decided I would follow in his footsteps, but of course such a thing could never be.”

Nathaniel stood then leaned back against the table, staring at the woman who continued to reveal herself in pieces. And he continued to be enchanted. “Kitty, I hadn’t any idea you were so interested in doctoring.” Just as the words left his mouth, a rushing flood of vivid memories poured into his mind. She’d cared for Eliza after her tragic attack so skillfully, how had he not noticed? And after being shot in the shoulder two winters past, Nathaniel might have suffered far worse had Kitty’s natural instincts not led her to care for him so handily.

Unconsciously, he rubbed the site of the scar on his shoulder. “You have an excellent talent for healing, Kitty. ‘Tis unfortunate it is not accepted that women study medicine.”

She stood and turned away with a shrug and a petite laugh, stepping toward the study. “Aye, ‘tis too bad I’m a woman I suppose.”

“I’ll wager Mr. Pigley would say otherwise.”

She peeked over her shoulder with a smile in her eyes that teased as much as her words. “I will forever regret speaking his name in your presence. And it’s Higley, not Pigley.”

He leaned forward and squinted. “I’m sorry, I didn’t he

ar you. What was that?”

She shook her head with a breathy laugh and started toward the back door. Nathaniel followed her down the steps.

“Thank you for caring for my hand,” she said.

“Of course.”

She stopped and turned into the sunlight, her dark hair glowing with touches of deep red. “And I will find a way to make up for the damages Nathaniel, I promise.”

“Aye, you must.” As if pulled by an ethereal rope, he moved closer. “And I know exactly how you will do it.”

“Do you?” Her large eyes blinked and her voice whispered of unspoken wishes. “How... how is that?”

Negligent of the warning that rang in his ears, he moved another step closer as the urge to pull her near made his hands ache. His eyes grazed her lips as he kissed her already in his mind. Fool! What are you thinking? Blinking, he retraced the conversation to find his place. He cleared his throat. “I will be at supper tomorrow and I request a dish of your delectable carrot pudding.”

Her eyes danced as the sun kissed her face and her exhaled breath almost sang of relief. “’Tis not the season for carrots, you know that.” A sweet feminine laugh floated around his shoulders, beckoning him another step closer until their shoes nearly touched. She blinked again and continued though her words came slow and measured. “But, I shall try to find something I can make that will be equally enticing.” She paused and swallowed, her voice airy. “Will you require more in payment?”

“To be honest, there is more.”

She stalled. “There is?”

A kiss.

Once again his vision narrowed on her mouth. But before writing a passage in the story of his life he would most certainly regret, he pushed that persistent thought away and kept his expression blank, knowing she would detect the jesting lilt in his voice. “I expect you to make carrot pudding every time I come to supper, when carrots are plentiful, and deliver my mending every Saturday.”

Kitty’s face suddenly went white and she stilled as if her blood had turned to ice. She crossed her arms and looked toward the street. Had his comment been so upsetting?

He reprimanded himself for becoming lost in the moment and tried to bring back the levity. “Of course if that is too great a request, I might be willing to consider negotiations.”

Her expression didn’t change. Blast. He flicked his fingers against his leg. It hadn’t even been two days since her attack and she was likely still suffering the effects. He should have sent her home long ago.

She hugged her arms closer and glanced at the street again then smiled as if she were trying to restore the former merriment between them, but the air sat so heavy Nathaniel could have snipped it with sheers.

“Your requests are reasonable, however...” With a small nod, she looked down. “I’m sure you would not want the people of this town knowing you have befriended a Tory.” The pain in her voice pierced his chest and wormed its way into his heart.

With a small curtsy she started toward the road.