Nathaniel stared at the ground a minute longer before drawing toward the spot near the trees and resting on his haunches. He pivoted back toward the magazine, his arm across his knee. “I wonder if this is related?”

Thomas knelt beside him. “Related?”

“Kitty’s attack.”

“You think Kitty’s attack is related to the raid?”

Tapping the ground with his fingers, Nathaniel locked a fervid gaze with his friend. “I found her in this very spot. Though we don’t yet know how long she was lying here before I came upon her—we may never know—she could have witnessed something and the perpetrators don’t want her revealing what she saw.”

“That’s possible.”

“What do you mean ‘that’s possible’? I believe that’s what happened and we must find out with certainty.”

Thomas punctured Nathaniel with a glare he’d endured far too many times. “I can see what you’re planning, Nathaniel, but take care. Pressing Kitty for a confession will do more harm than good.”

Standing, Nathaniel rubbed his thumbs over his fisted fingers. He burned the ground with his glare, fighting the urge to run back and sit at the edge of Kitty’s bed until she disclosed the truth that rested just behind her lips.

Nathaniel raised his eyes to the heavens, conceding that then again, Thomas could well be right.

“If she’s as distressed as you say,” Thomas continued, “then we must proceed with tenderness and let it come out in time. Kitty has never been one to keep her thoughts to herself for long.”

Nathaniel joined Thomas in a fleeting chuckle before his jaw turned solid and his biceps flexed. “I’ll stay here. You go home to Eliza and Kitty. They’ll be wondering where you are.”

“Aye.” Thomas nodded. “Take care to stay awake. This is the most trying watch of the night.” With a hard pat on Nathaniel’s shoulder, Thomas made his way back up the road at a modified run.

Staying awake would be no trouble at all. Walking back to the magazine, Nathaniel?

??s body burned with unqualified rage as he stared into the room that contained the town’s life-blood. Who would do this? Who would steal from their own people and threaten an innocent woman?

He slammed the door shut before smacking his palm against the stone. Turning back to the woods, he stared at the small spot of earth where Kitty had sat wounded not an hour before. She knew something—had been made to suffer something wrenching and though he would need to tread carefully, he had to discover what she knew.

The fate of their freedom might depend on it.


Sunlight filtered in through the window of Kitty’s bedchamber, beckoning her to push it open and allow the songs and scents of spring to caress the stale air. Across the room, still abed, Kitty leaned forward, straining to hear Eliza’s light footsteps downstairs, but only silence whispered back. She quirked her lips to the side and gauged the distance to the dresser and the open door. If Eliza found her up, Kitty would never hear the end of it. With a huff, she sat back against the soft pillows. She’d been abed for just over twenty-four hours though it seemed like days. The low throbbing of pain had all but vanished and only a dull ache remained in her jaw, the lone remnant of the awful encounter.

The gnawing reality that chewed on her conscience drove every pleasant emotion from her spirit like a breath blows steam from a bowl. Her soul ached as Cyprian’s threats rang through her head.

She pressed a hand to her forehead. Lord, what am I to do?

“You’re up early.”

“Thomas!” Kitty jumped at the sound of his voice. “I didn’t hear you come up.”

He grinned, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. “Awake before nine? Astonishing feat, I must say.”

She pulled the shawl tighter around her shoulders, forcing her mouth to stretch upward. “You startled me.” She hadn’t spoken to him since the incident, or since their ill-fated conversation at the Cooper’s party. Her nerves jumped like a rowdy child.

“You look as if you’re afraid of me.” Thomas winked and pushed off the wall before coming to sit beside her on the bed. “I’m so sorry about what happened. Both at the party and with...” He motioned to her head where the wound had already begun to heal. “I’m glad you are well. Nay, more than simply glad, Kitty, I’m overjoyed.” He paused. “We intend to discover who it was that attacked you, Kitty. We will bring them to justice, I promise you that.”

“Thomas, you are too good to me. But I have already made it quite clear. I wasn’t attacked.”

He thinned his gaze and ran a hand over the cleft in his chin. “Nathaniel is convinced otherwise.”

“Well, Nathaniel’s wrong.” She startled at the strength in her voice. Never had she employed more energy in the production of deceit than she did now. And she would surely be forced to do so again in the days to come. Flooding her features with sincerity, Kitty met Thomas’s gaze. “I should never have left the party alone. ‘Tis my fault and mine alone.”

Looking down, Thomas took her hand and gently gripped. “You must know, Kitty, though you and I may argue from time to time, and I may say some things I ought not, it will never change the way I feel about you. The welcome that we offer you in our home is unconditional. Though Eliza has chosen to support the cause of the patriots, that does not mean we will insist you do the same. We pray you will feel safe here. Both in body and heart.”