Lord, no!

Kitty turned toward the door at the sound of Nathaniel’s steps.

He stopped just inside and glanced behind him. When he gazed back at her, the gentleness in his eyes brushed against her like a breeze on a field of wheat. He sighed and closed the door.

Handing her the note, he leaned his shoulder against the wall. “Read it.”

Her fingers quaked. She resisted and he dipped his chin. “Read it, Kitty.”

Carefully she took the note in her hands and exhaled a long breath out through pinched lips before scanning the words.


All is well. Higley heard tell of the tragic events and has vouched for Miss Campbell’s loyalty to King George. Stockton is subdued.

You are safe.

God be with you until we meet again,


Kitty’s mouth hung open and she flung a look to Nathaniel. “I cannot believe it. ‘Tis nearly too marvelous to be true.”

“But it is.” His mouth twitched upward in a half-smile. He looked out the window. “We will be indebted to Donaldson forever I believe.”

“Aye.” Relief, and a heavenly peace rested against her heart. They needn’t hide. They needn’t escape to find refuge from the king. Lord, I thank thee!

Kitty continued to gaze at the note, but Nathaniel’s heated gaze warmed her cheeks. She swallowed, unable to bring herself to look at him.

He chuckled and pushed away from the wall. “I’d never have imagined Pigley would assist in saving our necks.”

Peeking sideways, a grin bloomed on Kitty’s face, and in her heart. “Nay, neither would I.”

“He possesses wisdom,” Nathaniel continued, “I’ll allow him that, for falling in love with an extraordinary woman.”

The warmth in his tone smoothed across her shoulders and down her arms like a loving caress. She wriggled to escape its alluring capture and shrugged, unable to structure a proper response. If she’d been brave enough in the beginning to place her trust in God, and even in Nathaniel, then all of this turmoil could have been avoided and all this heartache undone. The memories stabbed deeper as the vision of Donaldson’s torn garments and bleeding arm expanded in her mind until she could see nothing else.

Nathaniel stepped closer. The soft inhale and exhale of his breath made Kitty’s skin tickle with unbidden nerves. The urge to peek at him took control of her muscles and she dared a glance from the corner of her eye.

Time slowed.

That familiar look of desire and longing circled in his rugged features, melting her bones.

“You’re avoiding me.” His rich voice drew her closer, while the jest in his words tied her lips into a grin she attempted to crush.

“I am not.”

“You are.”

“I will neither confirm nor deny any such thing.” She lifted her chin and tried not to laugh as she knit her fingers behind her back, avoiding his gaze. If she allowed herself to reveal the emotions that hid behind her threadbare curtain of strength, she might never recover.

He toyed with the lock of hair at her neck. His fingers tickled her skin and all she wanted to do was collapse against him and lose herself in his warm embrace.

“Kitty,” he said, “I hardly know what to say. ‘Tis cle

ar that I’m the chief of fools. If you never forgive me, I will understand, though I will pray for your forgiveness every day for the rest of my life.”

His words, like soft linen circled her wounded heart. She stared at him as a painful swelling threatened to close her throat.