He flung off his hat and threw it down on the desk, a roar building in his chest, but he kept it behind the cage of his ribs. His jaw ached from clenching. How could Kitty have chosen that man over him? Shutting his eyes, he growled. And yet, he had no more proof of it than the shy looks and polite words the two had shared in his presence. The fresh memories baited his anger. How could it not be true?

Reason tapped him on the shoulder. There was much still he didn’t know, much to make clear before he latched so tight. With a grunt he brushed the irritating thought away. Kitty had been trying to tell him for weeks that she had chosen Higley, and he’d been too much of a fool to see it.

But what of that night when she was so sick and racked with fever? She revealed so much of her pain. A small voice tickled his ear and he jerked back, half expecting Thomas to be standing behind him. What of the yearning in her eyes that she needed you? Nathaniel glanced out the window at the sinister clouds. Could he dismiss her so easily?

As if responding to a physical adversary Nathaniel spoke to the empty room. “She couldn’t trust me from the beginning. Why should I place any belief in her now?” He snatched his hat from the table and launched it across the room.

A censure rained from above. You are better than this.

The jealousy snickered back. Perhaps, but without the anger how could one stand the pain?

The thickening storm outside mimicked the sinister darkness that shadowed his soul as the rain began to flick against the windowpane.

A knock at the back door stole Nathaniel’s attention.

Yanking open the door he froze, trying to bite back the inkling of disappointment that it wasn’t Kitty, and the rage at who stared back at him.

“What do you want?”

Cyprian’s gaunt eyes blinked. He extended his hand and offered Nathaniel a small bag of coins. He spoke as if the words slashed upward from his throat. “Camilla requested I give you this. For what you did for Jacob.”

Nathaniel glared as the fat drops pelted against him. “I don’t want payment.”

Staring back, Cyprian’s glare thinned. He lowered his arm and started away, but quickly stopped and faced Nathaniel again. “I must say I was quite surprised to see you speaking to Miss Campbell after services today.”

Nathaniel stiffened. The sound of her name made his heart take flight and plummet in the same second. He wouldn’t endure this.

Stepping back into the house he began to shut the door when Cyprian’s volume rose.

“After what she did, and knowing your political sentiments, I was surprised indeed.”

Nathaniel shoved the door open with a smack and stepped into the rain. “What are you talking about?”

Cyprian’s expression grew wide. “You don’t know? So she never told you... then of course, why would she?”

“Tell me what?” Nathaniel pulled at the rage that strained against the ropes of his composure.

Cyprian’s words oozed from his tight mouth. “Your beloved Miss Campbell helped move the powder from the magazine. ‘Twas why that Officer came to town—to check her progress. And from the look on his face, he seemed quite pleased with her.”

Nathaniel’s spine split and he bolted from the doorway. “How dare you speak such slander! You know nothing about her!”

“No, Doctor. You know nothing about her.”

The rain continued to fall as a familiar pain strummed against the tight strings in Nathaniel’s heart. Could that be the reason she’d been so quiet, secretive, reserved?

He shook his head and thrust the man backward.

Cyprian grinned as if the heated exchange was merely a child’s game, and one that he was winning. A sickening laugh rumbled from his chest as another roll of thunder bounced among the clouds. His face twisted. “Ask her what she was delivering and see if she can deny it.”

Nathaniel couldn’t swallow, couldn’t blink. It was not true. There was no possible way it could be true.

“Good day, Doctor.” A nauseating grin crept up Cyprian’s face as he stepped backward. With a quick turn he jogged to the road.

Nathaniel stomped inside and yanked his cloak off the peg before charging into the storm.

It couldn’t be true. There was no way it could be true.

But there was only one way to find out.