She felt Donaldson’s gaze though couldn’t find the strength to meet it. “He is... his is simply not...” The answer formed, yet she couldn’t speak it.

He hummed as if he had easily interpreted the tensions and tight-lipped smiles. “You do not love him.”

Kitty snapped her gaze to him and gauged his knowing look before finally speaking. “’Tis true.” She studied the far end of the churchyard. “I cannot commit my life to someone I do not love.”

“Wise.” Donaldson’s chest rose as he inhaled a long breath. “Not everyone would feel the same. But then again, you and your sister are more thoughtful and sensitive than many women in your station.”

She smiled at him as a comfortable silence rested between them and suddenly the urge to expose her political shift became almost too much to restrain. What would he say? Surely he would not be surprised. She opened her mouth then snapped it shut again and formed a smile on her mouth to hide her near mistake. Nay, she should not tell him. ‘Twould be Nathaniel who first learned of her change of heart. And how she longed to tell him! Her smile broadened. The thought alone bloomed in her soul like the very flower she still carried in the pocket of her skirt.

Straightening her shoulders she lifted her chin, found a familiar friendliness and latched on. “’Tis a great pleasure to see you here, Henry. Are you able to stay for supper? I know Thomas and Eliza would be so pleased to see you.”

“I fear I cannot.” He pointed with his hat to the road. “I am here on business. I regret I don’t have the luxury to enjoy the company of friends.” He repositioned his hat on his head. “Please give your sister and brother-in-law my regards and when I am next in town I promise to stay longer.”

“I understand.”

Placing his hat on his head, his eyes narrowed and Kitty’s fears were realized. Henry fastened his stare on her face. “Are you all right?”

Kitty’s eyes grew wide. “Me? Why of course.”

Mercy! Must I always wear my feelings so? She shook her head and blinked, praying he would believe her mock surprise.

He quirked one brow. “I’ll take your word, though I have my doubts...”

With a playful giggle Kitty brushed him forward. “Safe travels, Henry. I do hope we will see you soon.”

He nodded with a grin at one side of his mouth and took his leave when a small slip of white paper floated to the ground from the inside of his jacket.

“Henry...” Kitty’s throat seized as if the words refused to come forth.

He turned. “Aye?”

She froze and pressed her hands to her stomach to hide the trembling of her fingers.

Kitty stepped forward, and brushed her foot over the note. “God be with you.”

A smile lit his face. “God be with you, Kitty.”

Her heart sputtered as he strode away.

Alone, she stood in front of the church. Clouds thickened and another rumble of thunder growled overhead. Fingers numb, she glanced behind her and scanned the surrounding trees beyond the road.

The woods were hushed. No movement, no rustling of leaves or hoof beats on the road. In a single movement she swooped down and plucked the paper from under her foot. Her breath raced. Her fingers quaked. After another swift skim of the empty space around her, she unfolded the note.

Absorbing the scribbled text, Kitty’s pulse thundered like the threatening summer storm.

Lobsters planning a powder raid.

Hide munitions...

The rest of the note blurred as the weight of the words pressed on her mind like an anchor. Fighting the quiver in her spine she folded it again and stuffed it in her pocket.

No more secrets, no more silence.

This time, she knew exactly what to do.

Chapter Thirty-one

Nathaniel stormed into his house through the back door and slammed it shut. Higley’s face loomed like a haunting nightmare.