The touch of Nathaniel’s thumb against her cheek shook her from her thoughts.

She stepped back, forcing a smile. “I... I don’t know what to say.”

Nathaniel stepped closer, slowly moving his hand around her waist. “Say you’ll kiss me.” His vision narrowed at her mouth before he swooped down. Kitty leaned her head back and opened her lips to accept him as his mouth consumed hers until every wandering thought dissolved.

A slight groan escaped his throat and he pulled her closer, nearly stopping the air in her lungs as his lips roamed up to her ear then down her jaw before landing on her wet mouth once again. His firm hands kneaded up her back and neck, then into her hair until her bun came loose, her hair tumbling around her shoulders.

When her legs finally lost all their strength, she broke the kiss and rested her head against his solid chest and clutched him tight, cherishing the sound of his rapid pulse and the feel of his warm breath against her hair.

He pulled away and crouched down, plucking a white flower from the grass beside Kitty’s feet. Slowly he stood, rolling the delicate stem between his fingers. The tenderness in his Autumn-colored eyes seeped into her heart and cupped it as if he held her very soul. His gaze trailed her face as he brushed her hair back and gently tucked the flower behind her ear.

Kitty sucked in a quiet breath as tingles flitted down her back. What had possessed him to do such a thing? Did he know what it meant to her? She fought back the tears that burned her eyes. She reached up and touched the silken petals, unable to move her gaze from his, praying without end that what she revealed would not destroy the longing she now witnessed in his eyes.

Nathaniel toyed with the flower in her hair. “Will you trust me now?”

Twining her fingers with his, she licked her lips. “Please know that, what I am to reveal is—”

“Dr. Smith. Miss Campbell.”

Kitty jerked away at the sound of Cyprian’s harsh voice, but Nathaniel held her close as the enemy stopped along the road, staring through thin, black eyes.

Panic clutched her heart until it nearly stopped. Ha

d Cyprian been watching? Had he heard her?

“What do you want, Wythe?” Nathaniel’s tone dripped disdain.

Hard and lifeless, Cyprian offered a sickening smile and shifted the small bundle of clothes under his arm. His cold eyes coiled around Kitty’s neck. “Miss Campbell, I saw your sister in town just now. Poor dear. She looked far too weary to be out when she’s so great with child.”

Kitty’s knees buckled and she gripped Nathaniel’s arm to remain steady. The meaning behind Cyprian’s words were as real as a knife in her belly.

Kitty pushed away from Nathaniel and sent him a quick look. “I should go to her then.” She hastened toward the road without looking back and passed Cyprian as if the dirt near where he stood were on fire.

Cyprian called from behind her, beating against her slave-driven soul. “She’s counting on your wisdom, Miss Campbell. I trust you would not wish to disappoint her.”


Hatred stormed down Nathaniel’s back. Not again! He glanced at Kitty as she darted away, his chest aching for the pain he’d seen in her eyes, before pointing all his attentions on the devil in front of him.

Yanking Cyprian by the cravat, Nathaniel pulled him down to the water’s edge and shoved him toward the trees with such force Cyprian grappled at the trunk behind him to keep from falling.

Nathaniel’s muscles burned hot and his fists itched for the sensation of cracking against flesh and bone. “What have you done to her?”

Cyprian’s expression twisted. “I have done nothing.”

“You lie!” Nathaniel charged forward, jerking at Cyprian’s collar and forcing his back to a tree. Shoving up against him, muscles pooled with blood, Nathaniel yelled through his teeth. “Tell me now!”

Black eyes chuckling, Cyprian’s mouth curled like a drying weed. “I have nothing to tell.”

The punch across Cyprian’s jaw happened before Nathaniel could stop it. He stepped back, chest pumping. Cyprian gripped his face and groaned, then started to laugh.

Nathaniel stepped away. If he got any closer he wouldn’t have the strength to stop himself from destroying the man with his bare hands. “Stay away from her.”

Cyprian tipped his head back and peeled the air with a revolting laugh. “The only one keeping anything from you is that wench, as you well know.” Stalking back to the road, Cyprian continued his repulsive chuckling. “I warned you, Doctor. She’s a sly one.”

If the man said one more word against Kitty... Lord, give me the resistance I need or I fear I shall commit a cardinal sin.

Cyprian slunk to the road and turned, nodding slowly. “One day you will learn what she hides. And when you do, I will be most happy to say that I was the first to warn you.”