“No doubt of it.” He smirked and refused to lift his eyes from her face. Knowing she could feel the heat of his gaze, Nathaniel made the most of the moment and winked. Her mouth toyed upward ever farther and she stared at him in return. An unfamiliar warmth began in his chest, but instead of extinguishing the sensation with reason, he allowed it to simmer.

Thomas entered their small circle, relieving Nathaniel of the spell Kitty cast upon him. “So I see you have been acquainted with our guest.”

“A remarkable surprise indeed, and ‘tis a mercy you hadn’t known of her coming or I might be forced to punish you for not informing me.” Shaking his head, Nathaniel thumped Thomas on the back with a grin that widened his mouth. “I should have made it my business to drop by early and arrive with you. What gentleman wouldn’t want to have the loveliest woman in Massachusetts on his arm?”

Kitty shook her head with a wry smile. “Nathaniel, you do tease


He exaggerated a hurt expression though the emotions that burst to life in his chest were surprisingly real. Keeping a tone of jest in his voice, he chuckled. “You wound me, Kitty. I speak only the truth.”

“I know how you are, Nathaniel.” Her eyes beamed, toying with him, as a stifled grin perched on one side of her mouth. “Do not think I didn’t see your harem following behind you as if you were an Arabian prince.”

“We shall argue about this another time.” Nathaniel pointed a finger at her, using a slight laugh to hide his unusual embarrassment at her having witnessed such a display. He motioned to Thomas, his blithe spirit dipping. “While you were sampling the fine food, your wife and Kitty had their first encounter with the infamous Cyprian Wythe.”

Thomas winced. “That’s an unpleasant experience for anyone.” He released an over-exaggerated grunt when Eliza tapped him in the stomach with her elbow.

“Thomas, you must watch what you say.” She tried to appear insistent, but the way her eyes grinned, Nathaniel could see she found the humor in Thomas’s statement.

Kitty remained subdued, slowly spinning the almost empty wine glass against her gloved fingers. The shine in her smile faded. “Is he really a Tory? Or does he simply say that to cause a scene.”

“Nay, he’s a Tory of the worst kind.” The disgust in Nathaniel’s deep response weighed heavier than he intended. He hoped the gentle melody of the minuet playing behind them would help assuage his tone. “Cyprian has informed me many a time that he prays continually for the demise of the patriot cause.”

Thomas’s expression darkened. “Aye. ’Tis not a secret to anyone who has the displeasure of being acquainted with him. Mr. Wythe makes his sentiments very well known. The man is a snake.”

“Well said.” Nathaniel nodded, failing to stem the surge of irritation bleeding into his good humor. “He is uneducated and thick-headed. Impeding our progress at every turn. Anyone with half a brain can see the need for freedom is paramount.”

“’Tis because of Tories like him that we cannot more fully defend the freedoms that are rightfully ours.” Thomas raised his glass and took a sip. “And why we must put all our energies into guarding the magazine.”

“Hear, hear! ‘Tis only too bad we don’t have more of an audience to applaud our brilliance.” Nathaniel laughed. “Then again I did just give a rousing speech. Are you trying to steal my glory, Thomas?”

“I may try, Nathaniel, but I fear I shall never have your magnetism.” Thomas smirked and took another sip.

“The magazine?” The innocent question in Kitty’s tone matched the wideness of her eyes. “Donaldson pointed it out to me on our arrival. Has something happened?”

Thomas swallowed the drink in his mouth. “Oh, yes, I suppose we didn’t have a chance to mention it before now.” He humphed. “The town’s ammunition magazine was raided this morning.”

“What?” Eliza shot a hand over her mouth.

“Mercy!” Kitty’s petite jaw gaped. “Who would do such a thing?”

“Our friendly neighbors the Tories. Who else?” Nathaniel answered. “Under the direction of the British army, I have no doubt. There is ample evidence of their actions in this regard in provinces around Boston. It doesn’t surprise me that they’ve decided to extend southward.” His muscles grew tighter at the memory of Caleb’s bloody face. “That powder and those muskets are all we have to defend ourselves and it seems that our system of guarding it is no longer sufficient against our strengthening enemy.”

With her lower lip between her teeth, Eliza shook her head. “Are you sure? Could this not be an isolated incident?”

“Hard to say,” Thomas answered.

Nathaniel pulled his shoulders back. “The British want to squash all rebellion and what better way than to steal our means of personal protection.”

“That’s deplorable.” Kitty stared downward shaking her head and blinking. “Why would they want to take away your means of protection? Isn’t that your right?”

Nathaniel raised his brows. “It most definitely is.” He nudged her with his elbow. “I’m proud of you Kitty, you’re beginning to sound like a patriot.”

Kitty turned her head away as if the comparison was not appreciated.

Eliza looked around the room, scowling. “Do you suspect anyone?”

Nathaniel rubbed the back of his neck, regretting that his words had made Kitty uneasy. “Nay, we have no suspects.” Not officially...