Then trust Me!

She sucked in a ragged breath and met Nathaniel’s tormented gaze. The love in his eyes matched the love that owned her soul and all she wanted was to lose herself in the safety of his strong embrace. How could she not trust Nathaniel? How could she not trust God?

Reaching to her face, Nathaniel brushed the backs of his knuckles against her cheek, his tone warm and wanting. “Please, Kitty.”

Licking her lips, she surrendered. Aye, Lord, I will trust thee. I will trust Nathaniel.

She took his hand in hers, aching to press it to her lips as she arranged the words that waited to be spoken. “That night after the party as I walked home Cy—”


Kitty jerked back and Nathaniel sent a worried glance to her before racing out the door.

Thomas’s voice peeled through the cabin. “Nathaniel are you there?”

Kitty followed Nathaniel outside just as Thomas reached the steps.

“There’s been a terrible accident.”

Immediate alertness pulled Nathaniel’s shoulders back and turned his bright tone a heavy black. “What’s happened? How did you know I was here?”

“There’s no time to explain.” He shook his head and turned back to the road, running. “There’s been an accident at the blacksmith’s. Jacob is hurt.”

“Jacob Wythe?”

“Aye. Come quickly!”

Nathaniel grabbed Kitty’s hand and held tight as they ran behind Thomas. His strong grip tensed as the words flowed. “Where is he?”

Thomas glanced behind. “We brought him to your house.”

Kitty held up her skirts with her one available hand. Her body still aching from fatigue, she prayed she wouldn’t trip as she struggled to keep with the pace of the men.

Charging through town and around Shawme Pond, Nathaniel’s house finally came into view. The back door flew open the moment they reached the step.


Kitty gasped and turned to retreat. They had been tricked into coming for naught! But Cyprian’s white face and the sudden wail that echoed through the house answered nay.

Cyprian stepped back and motioned to the small room, mouth tight, nostrils flared.

Nathaniel charged in first, followed by Thomas.

Kitty stepped in, stopping just outside the surgery door and pressed her hands to her mouth. Writhing and groaning, Jacob lay on the table while Joseph held his shoulders, whispering in his ear. The muscles in Nathaniel’s face twitched as his eyes scanned the boy’s leg. Twisted and near unrecognizable, the flesh burst open and the bone stuck out the side while the bottom half of the leg hung at a right-angle.

Nathaniel snatched a small belt from the cabinet and instantly tightened it above the boy’s knee. His voice was strong when he peered at Joseph. “Tell me what happened—Kitty go into the kitchen and get a bucket of water, three cloths and a wooden spoon.”

She nodded and raced to the kitchen. Her hands shook as she scanned the room.

There, in the corner! She plucked the necessary items and spun for the door.


Kitty yelped and spun when Cyprian hurried in.

She shook her head. Her knees weakened and she braced herself against the wall. “Mr. Wythe, I—”

“If you had obeyed me as you ought, I would not have needed to spend my precious time looking for the powder.” He stalked closer, fists opening and closing. “I could have made sure my son was at the tavern instead of tutoring under another traitorous patriot!”