The basket was gone.

She grabbed the chair for support with one hand and breathed through her fingers of the other. Frantic, she raced to the open door and scanned the forest. No sign of anyone. Not a sound.

She turned and leaned her forehead against the frame of the door, holding back a groan that twisted her insides like a wet piece of wash.

Had someone seen her? Her breathing quickened. Or had someone else followed her and taken the basket? Kitty’s blood surged. Nay! Who would Cyprian hurt next?

She pressed her hand to her mouth as a sob erupted.

Lord, I cannot carry this alone.

Another breeze circled around her like the brush of an angel’s touch.

Trust in me and I will lead you to freedom.

The words were so clear she jerked around to find who spoke them, but only the trees with their glistening leaves waved back and forth. Swelling with love for her Father in Heaven, she closed her eyes.

God had heard her prayers after all. But... lead her to freedom? What did that mean?

Unshed tears made the light from the trees spray out in every direction. Lord, I long to do what is right in thy sight. But what is your will for me?

Then, as if God touched her memory, Donaldson’s words filled her mind, “...there will come a time when we will be called upon to act in defense of the cause we believe in. It won’t be enough to merely stand by silently and watch others do the fighting for us.”

Slowly, like a bud opening to the dawn, a trickle of understanding illuminated.

God wanted her to act.

She frowned as long fingers of confusion threatened to snuff out the fresh breath of knowledge. Then with what side did God want her to act? Surely he wouldn’t ask her to go against what she’d been taught?

Shaking her head, Kitty rested her back against the doorframe. Nay. Father had raised her honorably. Submission, peace, love and devotion to the king was the right way. ‘Twas what God wanted.

The peace from moments ago vanished, replaced by a cold, lonely emptiness.

She pressed her lips together.

That was right. It had to be. So why did she feel so much... unease? Surely God wasn’t telling her that the patriot’s cause was—justified?

Kitty wiped her hands down her bodice.

Yet, doing what was right was often difficult, was it not? Again, she shut her eyes. Without Father to guide her, how could she come to such knowledge? If only God would provide some way, someone to help her see the truth.

“Miss Campbell, what are you doing so far from home?”

Kitty jumped and nearly stumbled backward on the stoop as her heart leapt with both jubilation and fear. “Nathaniel!” She clutched her chest. “What are you doing here?”

He sauntered forward, never moving his gaze from hers. “I ought to be asking you the same.”

She frowned and shook her head. “You need to leave.”

“Why?” He didn’t stop walking.

“’Tis not safe.”

“Not safe to be alone with me you mean?”

He finished closing the distance and stopped just before the first step, close enough for Kitty to see how the dark green of his jacket enhanced the few flecks of emerald in his eyes. Close enough to feel her yearning for him break free from its cage.

His gaze combed her as a weight of sorrow deepened the shade of his eyes. “Worry not. I won’t repeat the events of our last encounter, if that is what troubles you.”