If only she could find rest. If only she could find someone—anyone who could help her.

Lord, I need thee. Find me, and lead me back to freedom.


The heat of Saturday’s afternoon sun retreated at the salty sea breeze that ushered Nathaniel along the street toward Thomas’s print shop. Finding the door propped open, Nathaniel strode in, a smirk on his mouth.

“Shirking your work as usual, I see.”

Thomas spun around, half a smile on his mouth and one eyebrow slanted up. “No more than you, it would seem.” He replaced the several pieces of type and laughed. “What brings you here in the middle of the day?”

Nathaniel chuckled then turned and closed the door. “Well, seeing as I’ve cured every disease and illness, I’m left to wander the streets.” Nathaniel laughed again, reveling in the lightness that humor gifted him and relishing in the peace that at last he enjoyed, knowing the powder would no more be ravished.

Walking nearer to his friend, he lowered his volume. “Everything is finished.” He looked behind to reassure himself the door was latched. “The last of the munitions is well and secreted away.”

Nodding, Thomas’s face lit. “Excellent.”

Nathaniel nodded in agreement and stared at the far window, smiling inwar

dly as the memories of last night’s adventure rehearsed in his mind. How easily the transfer had transpired could be regarded as nothing short of miraculous. He met Thomas’s gaze. “Now, we wait.”

Thomas crossed his arms and stepped back to lean against the press. “The traitor will be discovered soon. Or so we can hope.”

“He will be. And when he is, I plan to acquaint him with a quick and proper punishment.” Nathaniel stepped toward the door. “I had only come to let you know our efforts last evening were well rewarded and the town’s munitions are safe.” He tapped the end of his hat. “I’m off to make my rounds. There’s a particular patient I must visit.”

Thomas chuckled, returning to the corner desk that held the small metal type. “Were you not over only yesterday?”

“Need I remind you that she was very ill? ‘Tis best to make sure she is truly recovering.”

Thomas peered over his shoulder. “Are you sure you haven’t any other motive?”

All expression dropped from Nathaniel’s face before he quickly replaced the flick of frustration with humorous defense. “Your wife promised me a mid-day meal, if you must know. And as I am a lonely bachelor I must rely on the goodness of others to feed my empty stomach lest I wilt away to nothingness.”

Thomas patted the small metal letters into the galleys, keeping his head down while he spoke. “Take care, Nathaniel. I know you believe your heart safe from infection, but no one has yet found a way to be inoculated from love.”

“Inoculated? From love?” A laugh burst from Nathaniel’s chest and he grinned to keep the levity of his words from sitting heavy. “Please, Thomas I don’t take pleasure in your instruction on matters of the heart.”

Thomas shrugged. “I only wish to offer advice that may shield you from a pain that runs far deeper than any physical wound.”

“My desire to visit Kitty is the same I would feel for any patient who had been so desperately ill.” He grinned, praying Thomas couldn’t see past the lie. “Though I care for her, my feelings do not root as deep as you imagine.”

Mouth tight, Thomas remained silent, still studying his type. Finally the words on his face found voice. “As you say.” He glanced up, eyes hard. “I beg you, do not lead Kitty to believe otherwise, or I fear you will have to be the recipient of my wrath.”

Nathaniel frowned until his face nearly contorted as the understanding of Thomas’s words found fertile ground. “I have no intention of doing any such thing.”

“Our actions do not always imitate our best intentions.”

The air in the print shop suddenly grew thick. Rolling back his shoulders, Nathaniel snatched his shield of ready humor. “Perhaps then I should reconsider my intentions to bring you a pail of food should Eliza request it of me on my return to town.”

Before Thomas could protest, Nathaniel tipped his hat and with a bubbling chuckle stepped out into the street. He kept a clipped pace, hoping the brisk steps would stamp out the uncomfortable niggling in his stomach. Yet, his friend’s unasked for admonition blared like the sounding of a trumpet. Perhaps Nathaniel should use more caution where Kitty was concerned. Their kiss was evidence of that. But he had been so pleased when she didn’t push away from him entirely the day he first found her awake. The knowledge that he hadn’t completely frightened her away mended the rift in his heart and made it all but impossible to keep the kind of distance he knew must exist between them.

But somehow he must keep that distance. For the sake of his heart, and as Thomas had advised, for hers.

Standing straighter, he tipped his head at the driver of a passing cart and nourished his insecurities on the facts. He and Kitty were friends, had always been, and ‘twas natural for him to enjoy the company of such a friend. It mattered not that she was a woman... and a pretty one at that.

A smile tickled his mouth. Pretty, nay—beautiful. Funny. Brave. Intelligent.

And wounded.