“You have caught me, ladies.” He shot a quick look in Kitty’s direction. “I fear I must beg your forgiveness for I will be unable to keep that promise at the present moment.”

“I cannot pretend I am not wounded,” Caroline said, producing half a grin. “Though, I understand that you are a man in high demand. I shall hope for a dance later on. Thankfully the evening is just beginning.”

Yes, thankfully. Hopefully Kitty would be there for the whole of it.

Then his peripheral vision caught the movement of a familiar figure and Nathaniel’s subconscious unsheathed an armor of defense jerking him to full alert. Tall and loathsome, Cyprian Wythe walked straight toward Eliza and Kitty, his air of superiority resting on his shoulders like a coat of thorns. Nathaniel’s ire flickered to life.

Caroline continued talking though Nathaniel could hardly make sense of her words as his vision reached out to strangle the enemy. “Is everything all right, Doctor?”

“Hmm?” Had she said something? I’ll drag that devil away from here by his queue and—.

“Doctor Smith?”

“Forgive me, Miss Whitney. I must take my leave.” Tension barreling down his limbs, Nathaniel darted toward the back of the room.

Cyprian trapped Kitty and Eliza as if they were under investigation for high crimes. What could that man possibly have to say to them? Nathaniel’s neck corded. If only this were his home and he could do as he pleased with his guest. Where was Andrew? He should know about this...

Nathaniel pressed through the crowd, moving skillfully between partners and avoiding full glasses of wine as he hurried to the rescue. From the set of Eliza’s shoulders and the roundness of Kitty’s eyes, Nathaniel could almost guess Cyprian’s conversation.

As he neared the threesome, the general mumble of voices behind him cleared and he honed his hearing on the conversation in progress.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Kitty’s feminine voice remained stoic, though the flash of color on her face revealed her surprise.

“You’re a Tory, Miss Campbell.” Cyprian raised his chin. “I recognized the look of disgust in your face when we were forced to endure Dr. Smith’s traitorous drivel. I too share such sentiments. You do not wish to be here among people such as these, I believe.”

“Forgive me, sir, but you cannot possibly—”

Cyprian raised his glass. “You do a great credit to our king, Miss Campbell. Unlike those in your family who have chosen to take the path of treason. They’ll pay for their deeds, but you and I shall be rewarded for our loyalty.”

Nathaniel reached Cyprian just as he finished his slander. With reserved rage, he coolly placed a hand on Cyprian’s shoulder and squeezed, speaking through gritted teeth and a hard smile that barely masked the fire of emotions that blazed beneath his waistcoat.

“I’ll thank you to keep your opinions to yourself, Mr. Wythe, and to leave these women alone.” It was all he could do to not shove the man away and kick his sorry breeches into the road.

“Coming to the rescue, Doctor Smith? How chivalrous.” Cyprian grinned and sneered down at Nathaniel’s hand that still gripped his shoulder before he turned toward Kitty. “If you ever care to converse with someone of the same mind, please call upon my wife. She is bedridden, and in terrible need of company. We Tories must stick together.” He nodded and smiled as if they were all the most amiable of friends.

Nathaniel released his grip and clenched his fists so hard he feared his bones would shatter. “Leave these women alone and find someone else to torture.”

“The only person I care to torture would be you, Doctor, but it appears I must postpone that enjoyment for another time.” After a swift bow Cyprian disappeared into the crowd.

Working to soften his breathing, Nathaniel turned to Kitty and touched her arm. “Are you two all right?”

Eliza nodded, indignation written into the soft lines of her face, while Kitty’s lips remained tight and her expression drawn though she offered a weak smile.

With a light chuckle, Nathaniel assumed a more relaxed stance, though inwardly his anger popped and fizzled like meat on a spit. He nodded in the direction Cyprian had gone and lowered his voice, relying on his charm to brush away the tension that lingered. “That fellow can make even I, the most courageous and stoic of gentleman, quiver in my boots.”

Kitty’s stirring smile sprung to life, somehow bringing light to the entire room. “Quiver in your boots, Dr. Smith? I don’t believe it.”

A carefree laugh tumbled out from deep in Nathaniel’s chest, chasing away the remaining bits of unease. “Aye, fair maiden, you have caught me. I never quiver.” Nathaniel glanced behind to make sure the man had truly left them before allowing his gaze to wander over her. His words slowed. “Kitty, this is quite a surprise. I had no idea you were in Sandwich.”

The candlelight shimmered in her blue-green eyes like the sun on a summer sea. “Eliza and Thomas surprised me as well. I didn’t know you would be here, though I suppose I should have gathered as much. This is a—” She stopped and dipped her chin, the unspoken words made clear thanks to the flush in her face.

Nathaniel sent Eliza a quick look before placing his fingers against the soft lace around Kitty’s elbow. “You are welcome here, Kitty. I know Andrew and his wife would say the same. You can’t know how pleased I am to see you and I plan to flog a certain brother-in-law of yours for not informing me of your arrival.”

Kitty grinned. “He didn’t know I was coming.”

“Either way, I shall find a reason to punish him just the same.”

She nodded with a mock expression of agreement. “Well, I’m sure he deserves it for some unrepentant crime.”