Eliza touched Kitty’s head again. “You are too warm.”

Was she? Kitty clamped her burning eyes shut. Was it fever that made the room feel like fall’s chill and not the warmth of early summer? Kitty shook her head. “Nay, I am only tired.”

As the words left her lips, her stomach rolled with violence and a cyclone began to push its way up to her throat.

Nay! She could not be ill!

“Liza, the chamber pot!”

Eliza lunged for the empty pot and held it in front of Kitty seconds before she retched the entire contents of her stomach. The burning acid scarred her throat and nose. She sputtered and spit, dabbing at her mouth with her hand. “Liza, forgive me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Do not apologize, Kitty.” Eliza reached for the cloth that rested next to the pitcher and basin and aided Kitty in wiping her face. Her gentle touch pulled from hiding the tender memories of F

ather’s touch, the kind an ailing child yearns for. Eliza rubbed Kitty’s hand. “You are not to leave this room until you are recovered.”

Kitty shook her head. “Nay, you cannot care for me, you’re not well yourself. I will not put you and the child at risk.”

Eliza stood, nudging Kitty back against the pillow and pulled the quilt up around her shoulders. “I’m feeling much more myself these days, so I will not have you worrying on that account.”

Kitty clutched the thick fabric and hugged it tighter as another shiver crawled over her skin. “I do worry about you.”

“I know you do. You worry about everyone, which is why I believe you are now so ill. If you had taken better care of yourself you might not be ailing.” Eliza placed a kiss on Kitty’s temple. “I refrained from sharing my worries with him earlier, but I can no longer be silent. I am going to get Nathaniel—”

“Liza no!” Kitty tried to sit up. “Don’t tell Nathaniel, I beg you. I shall be fine after a day or two of rest. Do not tell him, please.” The blinding light assaulted her and she lay back down, shielding her eyes with her hands. “I need only rest.” He mustn’t come here! I mustn’t put him at greater risk by being near me.

“I understand. I had myself wished to keep things from him, had you only been slightly weakened, but now I do so only at your request, and with grave reserve.” Eliza sat on the bed and squeezed Kitty’s leg. “I will not say anything to him unless your condition worsens.”

Though she stayed motionless, her bed seemed to sway back and forth like a child’s cradle, urging the acid up her throat. She pressed her hand tight to her mouth taking long breaths through her nose. She would not get worse! She could not miss another delivery!

Glancing at Eliza, Kitty’s eyes filled. Who would be next? Who would suffer if she once again failed at her post? How could she much longer live when pressed with such servitude? Oh dear Lord, if anything happened to Eliza and her baby I couldn’t live!

Nay. She would be better by tomorrow.

Another storm brewed in her stomach and heaved upward without warning. Kitty rolled and retched into the chamber pot. The acid scorched her tender throat, leaving an angry, bitter trail as it left.

Eliza neared, speaking quiet and calm as she held back Kitty’s hair and helped her wipe her mouth once more. What did she say? Her words were muddled and echoed through Kitty’s head that felt as thick and heavy as a lump of meat. The pain in her neck and head radiated down her spine and into her belly. Even her arms and legs cried-out, aching and throbbing with every movement.

“Forgive me, Liza.” Kitty squinted, trying to squeeze the pain from her eyes. “I’m only over-tired as you say.” Speaking grew more difficult with every word. The back of her throat felt lined with gravel.

“I’m afraid the idea of that has just been put to rest, Kitty. You are very ill.” Eliza’s cool hand rested against Kitty’s forehead. “I will not be swayed, I am getting Nathaniel.”

“Nay!” Kitty summoned the weary soldiers of her strength and clutched Eliza’s wrist. “Do not... do not call for him, Liza. I beg of you.” Kitty dropped her heavy head against the pillow. “He needs to stay... he needs to stay away.”

A spasm in her stomach forced her legs up and pushed a groan from her lips. She covered her face with her hands. This vile illness must leave her body in six days. She had no other choice but to be well.

Another cramp seized the muscles around her stomach and she cringed, crunching her eyes shut as another pain gouged her stomach. Nathaniel must stay away. She loved him too much to allow his nearness. Keeping him from her would secure his safety. Please Lord.

With a heavy groan, Kitty hurled herself to the pot.

Chapter Nineteen

Newcomb Tavern bustled with patrons. Surprising, since ‘twas the Lord’s day. And yet, this was Cyprian’s tavern.

Closing the heavy door behind him, Nathaniel scanned the crowded room as sunshine glowed in from the windows. Full tables. A fiddler in the corner. A few merry looking travelers, some weary ones. He humphed to himself. No sign of Cyprian, though Joseph had insisted he’d be here instead of home.

“Doctor Smith!”

Nathaniel turned to see young Jacob Wythe approaching, balancing a large basket on his hip, smile broad and eyes bright but weary. Nathaniel beamed a smile in return, in hopes of bringing a measure of joy into a life he knew was filled with sorrow. He tousled the boy’s hair. “Jacob! How are you, lad?”